
629 3 0

Lots of angst!


No smut!


Milk Cookie x Dark Cocoa Cookie


"Mm.. No.." Milk cried in his sleep. How many times he had the same nightmare play in his head. Over and over like it would never go away. It came from his childhood. Wolves all around. The screams of other people all through out the village. "Please.. Help.."

He never woke up from the dreams. And couldn't remember them in the mornings. But in the moment, it felt so real like it was happening again. Tears ran down the sleeping clerics face.

Arm's wrapped around his waist. A low "shh.." Leaving someone's mouth. It always calmed him. The warm embrace. "Dark choco.." Left milks lips. The response always was. "Yes.. It's me.."

It hurt Yams heart every time this happened. Pretending to be the others love to help him. He wanted it to be him. The one milk called for... But watching their tears fall, and their body to calm made it okay..

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