Everything changes

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Everything changes, the generation the way of living, the technology, the people, the attitude and many more.

But there will be only one that would never change, and that is Him. He will never ever change. He will be forever the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow; will be there everytime on our side, loving us unconditionally, guiding us, waiting for us to change to a better one and will be waiting for us to welcome Him in our lives and hearts.

Change all you want in yourself but remain what you truly are when you are with Him and never ever left Him because changing yourself is not a bad thing, just change to the one that you have to be, the one that is proper and appropriate to you. Don't change yourself like others who became away to God and look what happened to them, they look wasted because they changed without God in them.

Everything changes for a reason but allow Him to be the one to change you because we all know that He will going to change us to a better one that we will never regret to be.

You should know that when you change yourself, be sure that it will do good specially to you and to the others.

Being who you are is already enough for Him but be sure being you is not being evil. Being you means being with Him forever.

Don't let others change you into something you don't want to be, let others change you if it will change you just like Him changing you.

If you see others change, don't change just because you want to imitate them, change yourself because you want to and also that is according to God's will.

Changing yourself when it's still not the right time would not do anything rightful to you because you know that the time you change is not still the right time to change..

Guidelines To HeavenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon