Part 4

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Part 4: Rain Carter

     We moved and ran fast ducking the gunfire that was flying at us quicker than we can run at the moment. "My truck!" Leo yelled running to his royal blue GMC that was parked a couple feet away from my house.
     The gunfire stopped only for a second as they started reloading. Maria and I hopped in the backseat and shut the doors quickly as they started shooting again. "Look in the back!" He instructed us and started his strong engine. We both looked in the back seat and grabbed the guns that were laying there.
      Leo sped off and the three Nissans sped right behind. "Come on bitches." Maria cocked back and positioned half her body out the window and started to shoot. Hitting the passenger in one of them. His body slumped over. I started shooting at the tires making one Nissan swerved out of the way in controllably into a ditch.
      The other two that were following behind started slowing down. Leo kept his foot on the break speeding into traffic. "They're gone Lee! Slow the fuck down!" Maria yelled at her brother who looked a little zoned out still flying and swerving through cars.
      "They fuckin wit the wrong nigga?!" He fumed still cutting through cars smoothly. I kept stealing glances of him in the rear view mirror he looked so serious. Evil. Handsome. Sexy.
      "I hope Corbin and Storm is ok.. Why would they try to kill you if you supposed to be pushing for them?" Maria asked.
      "Because they were never gonna let them go Ree. It wasn't they intention. We need to have another plan just like them." Leo said finally stopping at a red light for the first time.
     "The tracker still on right?" I asked Maria.
      She reached into her hoodie and pulled out her now cracked phone. Luckily it worked. "Yes it never moved. We need a plan to get them out before it's too late." She shook her head. I can see she was worried but tired not to show it.
      I was about to ask about she and Storm until my phone started ringing. "Blowing up my fuckin house?! If you wanted to kill me then-"
     "That was a fuckin warning to not disobey our rules again! We said you and you alone! You want to bring help then theirs another fee. The price 6 million now! See you at 9pm tonight. Sharp!" He boomed and hung up in my face. I throw my phone down in frustration running my hands through my long thick hair. Closing my eyes to think for second. These niggas stressing me out now.
      "What's wrong Rain?" I heard Maria asked. 
      "Not now Ree. Just let her get her thoughts together." Leo then said which I appreciated. I really needed to think on what I'm going to do. I refuse to move 6 million for them just to die. I refuse to fail my parents. Corbin. Storm.
      My anger usually speak for me but I know I had to still think rational. Even if I want to kill them on sight soon as they touch down in front of me with the shipment. Without noticing I started dozing off. The ride got smoother and quieter.
      "Rain?" I felt big hands touch my arm lightly. I picked my head up to see Leo standing in on side of me with the door opened. We were parked in front of a big beautiful all black house. It looked like a mini mansion on the outside. It looked freshly built on huge land. 5 car garage.
     "Sorry." I hopped out of his truck standing in front of him. We shared a look for a second before I broke it off. His chocolate face was something to die for.
    "You need to rest. When was the last you slept? I mean really had some sleep?" He asked with that deep sexy voice. Reaching his hand to touch the side of my face. Running his big thumb across the bottom of my eye. "You look exhausted and your beautiful face looks drained." He said without blinking. Looking into my eyes. My skin grew hotter His touch was making my body grow hot, I could have sworn I started sweating. I don't even know him.
     "Going on 36 hours.." I admitted thinking of everything that took place. It's about 8am now and I haven't been able to sleep already to my parents anniversary coming up. "But I can sleep later. I need to figure this shit out. I have to pay 6 million now and-
     "Wait what?!" He said getting mad. "Come on." He took my hand into his and we started walking to his door.
     "What's wrong?" Maria asked her brother once we were in the house. He shut the door and locked it behind us. I was taken off guard by how his house was set up. It had a relaxing vibe with warm colors mixed with black and white.
     "They want 6 million now. You know they just playing around with her. They going to kill of them and us if we let it happen!" Leo fumed then pulled me to his long couch sitting me down. "Your staying here with me until all this shit get sorted out. They wouldn't dare show up here." He told me.
    "They came to mine." Maria said. Leo shook his head.
   "Exactly, they came to your place cause they wouldn't show up in my shit." Leo said so sure. He reached under the couch and pulled out a black box. Maria sat across from us looking at something on her phone. Sunlight was shining through the big windows and skylight.
    "What time is the shipment?" She asked
    "9pm." I answered dropping my head. Not only this was happening but our parents death anniversary if officially tomorrow. I don't know how to even handle any of this on top of my brother nor nephew being here.
    "You ok?" Maria asked. She was walking me into a guest room. I still don't know I feel about staying in a strangers house but I feel safe. I feel I will be ok here.
     "I don't know.. my house is gone.. I don't want to admit it but I'm scared. After what they did to my parents... I don't want to be too late with Corbin and Storm. I can't. They all I have left." I felt myself getting emotional. I never cried in front of anyone. Only Storm and that was rare.
      "You can trust us Rain. I tell Storm this all this time me. He always pulls away from me. You guys need to trust people other than yourselves. Storm and I been dealing for a while now and now that I know the story I see why. He was protecting me. Now all I want to do is save them. Y'all don't deserve this. No matter what your parents did." She said making a tears fall from my eyes "Rain no one should live like a prisoner the way y'all have been doing. I'm sorry y'all had to go through that. I promised you have friend and sister in me now." She said with a smile and pulling me into a hug.
      "Thank you Maria.. you have no idea how much you this mean to me that y'all are here helping me. I don't know what I would do. Especially now." We hugged a couple second longer and we pulled away.
      "Leo said there's towels, toothbrush anything else you will need. I'm going into my room I have here. Please come knock on any door if you need anything. Rest Rain you need it." She said looking at me.
     "Tell him thank you." I said as we parted ways. I looked at Leo's room door before shutting the door to the room I was in. I wondered if he was naked right now. Showering that sexy chocolate body. Snap out of it. I thought to myself.
     Looking around the room it was white black and a champagne color. Big 65 inch mounted on the wall. It had a couple pictures around it as well. I smiled a little seeing it was a picture of Leo and Maria when they were younger.
     1 hour later I was showered and wrapped in a towel walking back into the room. The hot shower felt so good in my sore body. I went into the drawers to find short basketball shorts and a matching tank top.
     There was a small knock on the door after a couple more minutes. "Come in Maria." I said knowing it was her. I suddenly froze seeing Leo open the door. I looked up at him. He was wearing black Nike sweats with a Nike shirt to match.
     "Was just checking to see if you were ok. Storm told me how you can be sometimes." He said taking me off guard. In many ways. For one the fact that Storm told him about me. Second the thick long hard print that was dangling in his grey sweats. It's like he stuffed a fat ass cucumber in there.
     "I'm fine. I just need to handle this." I shook off my emotions. He still stood there looking at me.
    "You don't have to pretend with me Rain. You can be as comfortable and yourself as you want. I know you not ok but know I'm here and this shit will be solved. Quicker than you think." He said.
    "Leo I never got the chance to fully say thank you. You letting me stay here. You only met me last night and your opening your door to me. I don't know I will repay you and Maria back for this." I said sitting on the California king bed. He walked closer and sat next to me on the bed. Butterflies started flying around in my stomach. He looked into my eyes again so intense.
      "Let me take you away for a week after this is over." He said making me arch a brow.
      "What you mean?" I asked. Without even noticing I was getting lost in his eyes again. His demeanor alone was giving all these feelings. One thing I liked was he didn't look scared or intimidated you my at all.
      "Meaning let me show you what you been missing. You show me what I been missing. Past three years I been back and fourth from Columbia to Mexico and Canada. Building and working on projects the last two years. Charities and events. When I leave this life alone for good I feel like the best way to give back is to those who actually need it. Illegal foreigners, runaway teens and kids. Foster kids." He explained making my heart sink at the beautiful things he was saying. I never knew anyone who was talking about getting out the game around our age. "I just want to help others. Though I may not look like the type." He said getting me to laugh a little. So did he. If looked at this man on the outside you wouldn't think he this big hearted.
      "So in other words your like a big teddy bear." I joked at him. He made a funny face.
      "Nooo not at all. I'm working on my gentle side more. Which is why I'm asking to just take you away, opposed to what I really would do." He said getting serious and got up.
      "What you mean? What you really would do?" I stood up with him curious. He started walking toward the door but stopped turning around with a lustful look in his serious eyes. It made more butterflies form in my body.
     "I been heard about you Rain. When I finally saw you that night in your place.. I wanted to kiss you first. To see if your lips as soft as they look. After that I would slowly kiss your neck. Touch all over your perfect body. Strip you down then pick you up. Taking you right there against the wall deep and slow until you start cumming all over this dick." He spoke every word looking at me in a way I know I will dream about. Stepping closer to me. I however couldn't move. The whole time he was talking my pussy just started reacting. The tone of his voice. The way he was looking at me. Like he was hungry and I was the only thing he wanted to eat.
      Leo was two steps in front of me now. I was looking up at his sexy face. He was looking down at me. With that same look. "Rain you just don't know hard it is not to throw you on this bed right now. I just respect you and your situation first. I don't want to distract from what's going on in front of you." He said with his eyes still to me for a second then traveled down my body. My body felt lighter. If he didn't stop I was going to fall into him. Literally.
      "Leo.. " I couldn't even speak. No man made grow speechless before. Not even Marcus. We just shared this long lustful hungry look. If bodies could talk ours would be screaming the same thing. I spoke without thinking twice. "Do it."
      Leo stepped closer wrapping his toned tatted arms around my waist. Pulling me closer into him. He smelled so good. I wrapped my arms around his neck letting him touch all over my backside. It's like waves kept flowing through my body. Our lips finally connected and I moaned without even realizing it. They were so big soft and juicy. His hands went from the middle of my back to my ass. I felt his hard dick against me and all I wanted was to have it in my mouth. It's been so long since I felt the touch of a man. Leo was making me forget everything that going on in my life right now. I just want to let go for the moment.
      Suddenly there was a knock on the door. We both pulled away and I opened the door to see Maria standing there. She had a worry look on her face. "The tracker just went offline. I think they found it." She looked up at the both of us. Then back to her brother. He ignored her look and took her phone walking out of the room.
       "Let me check it out. Give me a minute." He said leaving Maria and I there. I met her gaze.
       "I see y'all are getting more acquainted." She said arching a brow. I shook my head.
      "Not now. I have to get back focused. I turned back getting mad at myself. What if I started giving into my needs and my nephew or brother was getting hurt. Maybe worse.
      Maria grabbed my arm. "Don't have to pretend with me Rain. You need to let someone in. Why not my brother? Something wrong with him?" She asked getting serious. I shook my head then threw my head back.
      "Nothing at all is wrong that's the thing. I don't know.. I guess I just want to wait to see if I survive this first." I said truthfully.
      Maria nodded me off. "Stop saying shit like that. We all making out of this safe. Only ones dying is them muthafuckas." She said assuring me.
      Leo came back and so did the butterflies in my stomach. "Look like it's been smashed. It's not coming back online but the location never changed. Knowing men like them they will tell us to come there and do the drop. We have to be more than ready cause that when we taking our chance. To get Corbin and Storm back. Killing them once and for all." He said looking at the both of us serious. Just hearing him talk like that was making me wet all over again.
      "How long we have now?" Maria looked at me. I went towards the nightstand and grabbed my phone to see the time. It was 9am. 
     "Exactly 12 hours." I replied. They both looked at each other then me.
      Maria spoke. "Rain. You need to rest. So you get here and sleep while Leo and I get the crew together for help. I know you want to be part of this but you won't be no good later if you keep going like this. You look like you haven't slept in days." She said with a worried look at the end of her sentence. Leo stepped in.
     "She's right. You have to rest to you can up and ready later. Soon as you get up we will fill you in on everything. I promise." He said.
      Before I can put up an argument Maria spoke again. "No. No excuses. We know. Just please get some rest. Storm wouldn't want you doing this to yourself. You know you can do this. Just get some damn sleep." She said making us all chuckle a little bit.
     "Fine. I can use a couple hours." I gave in turning to the bed. Taking off my slides.
     "Thank you Rain. See you later. She smiled and walked off. Leo stayed behind then walked in quietly sitting at the edge of the bed.
     We looked at each other for second until he leaned in and kissed my forehead then my lips. I held him closer to me kissing him for a couple more seconds. Then I pulled away.
     "I'm going to put my trust in you Leo. Please don't make me regret it. I have no one but my nephew and brother." I said seriously. I don't know what I would do without them.
     Cupped my face with both hands. "I promise you everything will work out. Everything." He assured and got up to walk out of the room. "Get some sleep." He turn off the light and left me to my thoughts. The shades were thick and covering the sunlight in the room. It was dark and cold. I must have been really tired because I was out in the next 10 minutes.
       I jumped up and grabbed my phone. It was a little after 6pm. It was still dark and very quiet. Rain was hitting the windows hard. I got up going into the bathroom to freshen myself up. "God. I need a miracle. Please let us all make it out of this. If our parents are us there. Hell our whole family. Let them all be here as we take each and every one of them down. This is for all of you.." I looked up at the ceiling at my last words. That sleep was well need and I'm focused now ready to put a end to this.
      "You look well rested." Maria said meeting me in the livingroom at 7pm. She look like she got a little nap in herself.
      "Yeah you was right. I did need it. Now what's the plan?" I looked at her serious. She sat across from me and pulled out a blunt.
     "Ok so we eating on the call right? For the location of the meet. 9 times out of 10 they will tell you to come to the same location. Granted that they don't think we know where it is now. That's the upper hand so far." She opened the white apple laptop that was on the marble coffee table. Showing me pictures of the busted down white building Storm was in. "We have men already watching. They are in the military and trained to be the best so it's no problems there. They said it's about four men on each corner of the buildings. That's about 16+ we have men and called in some of your boys too. They don't know nothing yet from the lols of it. Two of them at a time show up." She said filling me in.
       "They all will be there for the drop. We have to stay back and see who stays. No moved are made until we see if Corbin and Storm are with them." I said looking at each camera closely.
       My phone vibrated and I looked to see a burner number text. It was the address to the drop. The same location we all knew. We really were a step ahead.
       "We will get them first and make them come to us. We not leaving there until they all are dead!" We turned hearing Leo's deep voice. My body and pussy started reacting fast before I can stop it.
      "This ends tonight." I said hitting the blunt harder.

      "Everyone is in place. It's time." Maria said looking at the white building. We were parked right in front. Looking at four white vans. We had four 18 wheeler trucks with our men in it to drive the product to the warehouse. I looking around at the ugly night. The rain finally stopped 30 minutes ago.
      We got out of Leo's truck and started walking toward the vans that were parked four feet across. The black SUV on the farmed shut off and all the doors opened. All four of them got out and my inside started to turn. I wanted to reach for my gun so bad. Instead I told Maria and Leo to stay back as I walked a couple feet up to meet them halfway.
     "Well well well. We meet again. I see you brought your friends." One of them spoke as we here two feet away from each other.
     I nodded them off. "You getting your money either way. Don't matter if I get help or not." I snapped looking at all of them. They always hid behind that white paint. I looked down at each of their hands, at the same Souter symbol from years ago.
     Another one motioned for his men to start moving the product to my tucks. Everything was quiet. I was ready to get this transaction over with and plan how to get my nephew and brother out of there. I pray to God they was still alive and ok.
    "Rain I gotta hand it to you. You taking all this pretty well. We all know how your temper can be around this time. Being that we know what tomorrow is." One said making my blood boil. My hand started to twitch.
     Nappy dread head spoke. "I remember that day like it was yesterday." They sound of some of their cries as we killed them. They way your momma pussy felt before I blew her brains out." He laughed in my face. My fist reached up so fast punching him dead in the nose by the way it cracked a little he was not expecting it. My anger too over quick. He came back grabbing me by the neck with both hands. Squeezing his hands a little tight. Blood was leaking down his nose onto the white shirt in his suite.
     "Let her go!" Leo's voice boomed strong behind me. I heard footsteps knowing it was him coming closer.
     "Leo .. No..!" I choked out in the middle of his hands getting tighter around my neck. The three other men pulled out they're guns prepared to shoot. All of them pointed their barrels to my head. The footsteps stopped quickly behind me but I felt them close.
      He finally let me go and I stumbled to the ground gasping for my next breath. Leo helped me up and looked at every one of them. He didn't look afraid at all. Only concerned about me. "We done here?" Leo asked towards them. I looked around to see the trucked were loaded and ready to go. They still had their guns drawn but put them back once they saw Leo wasn't stepping down. Maria was standing two feet away with her hun in hand ready to kill whoever she needed to.
     "72 hours." The one who choked me said as two of them stepped off and started waking to the car. One of them who stayed behind went into his suite giving me an envelope.
     "Now go move our shit!" He demanded and walked off like we were out how corner boys. Leo took me by the hand but I stayed back still looking at nappy head. We both shared a hateful look. My neck was still hurting and I knew it was going to bruise.
      "If you touched my nephew or Storm I swear the last thing you will see is me standing over you. Blowing your shit off.. I owe you that shit anyway." I spat with anger and started talking off leaving him to think of my threat. I was so pissed I didn't even hear the gunshot go off.
      "RAIN!" Leo yelled. Before I knew it he grabbed me so fast into his arms pulling me from a bullet that flew dead over my head. We fell to the ground hard and he covered me as more gunfire flew over us. Our men started coming out of nowhere shooting back at who was firing at us. "Stay the fuck down you hear me?!" He said over the noise into my ear. Then he got up still shielding me from the gunfire and shooting back.
      "Bitch ass!" He fummed. The gunfire stopped quickly after. I got up looking around at six bodies. I got up and ran to one of them. It was the same one who choked me before. He was slaying there with hole in his head and three in his chest. Little satisfaction grew over me looking down at him. One down three more to go. I thought to myself.
     "They're gone! Corbin and Storm!" Maria yelled with worry coming out of the building with four men behind her. "Fuck fuck we gotta find them!" She fumed pulling out her phone.
     I grabbed my phone quick hearing it ring loudly in my pocket. "You fucked you Rain! You killed my fuckin brother you bitch!" I recognize the other nappy dread head guy on the other end. Yelling with so much emotion. "You kill my family. Not I kill one of your. The two you have fuckin left!" He yelled.
      "Rain!" Storm's voice came through the phone.
      "Storm! I'm coming I will get you out of there!" I assured him.
      Before he can speak again he took the phone away. "I hope that was your last goodbye cause Storm goes now!" He yelled.
      "You kill them and you won't get shit! Just me haunting you down!" I yelled back at him.
      There was a silence. Then a single gunshot. I froze. He didn't. "Move my shit and you MIGHT get the child back. Storm is dead..." He said then the line cut out....

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