Kidnapped and Found 8 Years Later: Chapter 8

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Hey everyone so heres chapter eight but first just want to say thanks for the people who have voted and commented and became a fan..Really appreciate it! 

Anyway lets get on with chapter eight now and as always don't forget to comment/vote/fan! =)

So today Mia's suppose to come down for a visit. I'm so excited to see her again. I'm glad we finally get to hang out. Now I can actually talk to her about my problems in person.

Joe should have been already awake. He got a job with contrustction so lately he's been sleeping alot.

I went into our room and decided to throw some cold water on him because he's hard to get up. The place could be burning down and he'd still be in bed sleeping. Plus I didn't want him to be late picking Mia up from the airport.

"What the hell was that for", Joe looked at me with an angry look.

"Sorry babe, but you didn't wake up when your alarm went off and you need to start getting ready so you can go and pick Mia up", I said pretty excited that she was really coming.

"Well you didn't have to wake me up by throwing water on me", Joe was still mad.

I couldn't help but laugh because he knows damn well he wouldn't of got up any other way. I'm suprised he gets up on his own for work in the mornings.

Joe finally got up and hopped in the shower. After he was done he brushed his teeth and came downstairs suprised that I had made him breakfast. Usually Joe did all the cooking because I wasn't really that good at it.

When I was living with my mother, all I ever ate was hot pockets or I just went to the diner not far from where I lived.

Joe was sat down and stared at the food for a few moments probably making sure there was nothing wrong with it.

"Babe, I promise it's edible", I said with a small giggle.

"Soooo, what made you decide to cook breakfast", Joe sounded pretty suspicious.

"I'm just so excited Mia's finally coming to visit so I wanted to do something nice for you. Is that so wrong?" I asked with a puppy dog face, sad that he hadn't touched his food yet.

Finally Joe had eaten his food and was shocked because it actually tasted good. I wouldn't have left it there for him to eat if I didn't try it first. So he should have knew it was good if I already ate some. I made bacon, eggs and susages.

When Joe was done with his food, he grabbed some things and gave me a kiss and told me he would be back in an hour tops.

As excited as I was for Mia to come, I hated being home alone. I knew I had to get use to it though because Joe was working now. It's been a month since he's been working but somehow I'm still not use to being here without him becuse I'm so use to being with him.

Atleast Joe comes back each and everyday though. Unlike my mom who would be gone for months and sometimes a year at a time.

When Joe left the house, I cleaned off the table and threw what was left over of the breakfast I had made away. 

I turned on the tv and browsed through the channels. I couldn't find anything instresting so I put on Spongebob. While everyone was obsessing over Spongebob Squarepants these days, I was still obsessing over the Rugrats.

Yeah I know it's a show for kids but hey so is Spongebob. Plus Rugrats was what I grew up with so why stop watching it now just because I'm a teenager. 

As I was watching tv, I noticed I had fallen asleep. When Joe left it was nine in the morning and now it's almost eleven. He told me he would be back in an hour but it's been almost two hours. 

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