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Tears of joy ran down Rachelle's face as her family teared through their christmas presents one by one. Taking pictures, singing christmas carols, and watching christmas shows put joy and happiness into everyone. It was almost as if nothing bad had ever happened to anyone of them.

Almost five years ago, Rachelle had been rescued from that tragic part of her life. The day she was found was the greatest day of her life. From that moment until now and further more, Rachelle's life has been wonderful.

Rachelle and her mother are now closer then ever. Her mother even remarried to a guy named, Dayrl. They met on her way to work when she almost ran over his dog. She felt terrible but when Dayrl met Mellisa's gaze for the first time, he fell head over heals for her. Bubbles, the dog, is doing just fine by the way.

Every since Jake came and visited Rachelle in the hospital almost five years ago, they been inseparable. They got married two years later and only about two months after that, they welcomed their first child, Gloria Maire, after Rachelle's grandmother. Most recently they have welcomed a baby boy, Jason James. Jason is only six months old but he's already doing things that most babies dont do until a couple months down the road. Jason can say da da, and ma ma, and a few other words. He can even say a few sentences. He's also learning how to walk. Who knew, Rachelle and Jake would have such wonderful and smart kids. They wouldn't trade their miracles in for the world.

Three year old Gloria started screaming at the top of her lungs, crying as her little baby brother was touching everytime she would try to open up one of her presents.

"Mom, make him stop." Little Gloria demanded as she shoved her little brother off of her and he started crying.

"Gloria, he's just a baby. You cant just shove him like that. He doesn't know any better so you have to be patient with him." Rachelle said as nicely as possible, being that it is christmas in all.

Gloria Marie loves her little brother, but it was clear she would get jealous alot. She would notice her little brother getting picked up alot by her parents, strangers stopping to look at baby Jason. No one was paying little Gloria any attention, so she thought. The attention, Gloria did get wasn't good enough for her because it always seemed people were more intrested in her baby brother. No matter what though, Gloria always protected her little brother which was why she was now feeling guilty for shoving her six month old baby brother and making him cry.

"Mom? Dad?" Gloria Marie went into the kitchen looking for her parents.

"Yes dear?" Her parents called out.

"I put all my presents back under the tree for Santa to come pick them up. I don't deserve them." Gloria had sadness in her voice. 

"Aw honey of course you deserve them." Rachelle let out a small giggle because she thought it was cute.

"I pushed Jason. I'm a bad kid and I should be grounded forever. I didn't mean to hurt Jason." Gloria was now going into a storm of tears.

"Hey look at me. Everyone makes mistakes baby. You feeling guilty just goes to show that you really are sorry. I promise Santa has already forgiven you." Rachelle said with a smile on her face as she hugged her precious daughter. 

Seeing her kids happy meant everything to Rachelle. She'd do anything in her power to keep it that way. Never would she want to see her kids go through any kind of pain. Especially with what she's been through herself.

As Rachelle sipped her coffee, she smiled and realized she now has the perfect life. For the first time in her life, Rachelle fit in. "This is where I belong." Rachelle said with the biggest smile on her face.

With Joe in prizon for life without parole, Rachelle and Jake have nothing to worry about. No more being scared and lost. Rachelle will always still be a little frightened but even with that, she will do whatever in her power to protect her family.

About a year and a half ago, Rachelle finally had the courage to go to the prizon and confront Joe. She didn't go there to yell and fight, but to ask one simple question. "Why?"

Joe admitted he let his jealousy turn him crazy. He cried and apologized over and over again as he saw the girl he let go. The girl he loves. The girl he said he'd never hurt, but did. The one he'd been married to today if he would have kept his emotions in check.

Joe truly is upset about everything he put her through and, Rachelle believes he's sorry. Rachelle's the type of person who will always forgive but never forget. Does this mean Joe and Rachelle are going to be best friends just because she forgave him? No. It just goes to show she's the better person in a terrible situation. Rachelle should still be angry and tramatized, but Rachelle knows that if it wasn't for her past, she wouldn't have such a great man and such wonderful kids by her side today.

"Gloria, can you please go get your brother dressed before dinner? I still have to put the vegtables on the stove." Rachelle said as she rushed to get the veggies her and her mother chopped up, into the pans.

"Yes mother." Gloria gave her mother a smile before skipping out of the kitchen.

"Oh and don't forget to bring Jason's coat down. We're going to go visit Sammy after dinner." Rachelle said still rushing to get the veggies cooked.

Every year on Christmas, Rachelle and her family meet up with, Samantha's family. They go out to Sam's grave to light candles, sing christmas carols, and share their best memories of Samantha.

Rachelle didn't really have too many great memories with Samantha but she knew somewhere deep down that, Sam had a heart and cared. It was Rachelle's idea to meet up with Sam's family at the grave on Christmas day, every year.

The stories and memories, Sam's family shared with Rachelle and her family made, Rachelle realize how great of a person Samantha really was. Rachelle gets sad that she didn't get to see that side of Sam, but being with her family is close enough. Sam just got herself into a messy situation with a guy. People make mistakes but sadly this one cost her, her life. Rachelle cant help but sometimes feel a bit guilty for Sam's death. But with Jake and the kids, Rachelle's getting better at taking the blame off of herself.

If it hadn't been for Rachelle's grandma remembering one little detail outside of her house before her death, Rachelle may have still been stuck with Joe, or even worse, dead.

Rachelle keeps the letter her grandma wrote to her before she died, framed and hung up in her bedroom. Rachelle and her mother also split her grandma's ashes.

Although Rachelle's been through hell and back, she's finally getting to live a good and healthy life. Everything really does happen for a reason and Rachelle now cherishes every moment she has in life.  

Even though you may be going through something terrible now, something good will eventually come of it. So never give up on life because god has a plan for you, you just have to be patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2011 ⏰

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