Kidnapped and Found 8 Years Later: Chapter 17

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So It's been almost six months since Jenna and Bill left our home and turned themselves in. So now they only have about four more months to go and they'll be free. I'm so looking forward to the day they get out. Jenna and Bill write us all the time and they told us they would come visit the day they get out.

Things are still good between Joe and I, just not as good as I would like it to be. 

Joe's been working alot more lately. He's always being called in on his days off. I'm not the smartest cookie but I know Joe's boss is breaking some kind of law by not giving him any time off.

It's crazy when you live in the same house with someone and all the sudden they start feeling like a stranger. It just makes me feel like I'm alone again.

It may seem selfish to most people but if they were in my situation then they would feel the same exact way.

I just don't get how two people go from spending all their time together to not spending anytime at all. It makes me sad but I know Joe has to do what his boss tells him.

I feel like Joe could get out of it if he really wanted to but for some reason it just seems like he's enjoying his days away from me. I mean it's obvious considering he could get his boss in trouble for making him work so much. Maybe Joe's just scared to piss his boss off because it could lead to him being found out. I don't know, but what I do know is I want my knight and shining armor back. He's my world and I hate being without him.

Maybe I did something to make Joe mad? I don't know what I could of possibly done though. Or maybe he just thinks we spend way too much time together and needs his alone time? Or maybe, and I hate to think this, but maybe he's cheating on me and hasnt really been working so much? 

I trust Joe so I don't know why I would think something like that but it's just crazy how much he works these days. I mean he does cook me breakfast before he goes to work in the mornings and kisses me before he goes off to work. Our sex life hasnt been there. The last time we had sex was probably about three months ago.

Sex doesn't mean everything to me but when your in love with someone and you know your going to be with them forever, you pretty much still need it once in awhile.

I've tried talking to Joe about these things a couple times but he pretty much just blows it off and says he's too tired and then goes to bed. I'm not letting him do that tonight. Tonight we're going to talk about it rather he likes it or not. And if he doesn't talk to me about it then I'll have no choice but to leave. I need someone who will listen to me like I would do for him and have always done for him.

* * *

I decided that I would go to the beach today to get all these thoughts off my mind and help me relax.

I hopped in the shower and then brushed my teeth and got dressed and headed a few yards away from the house.

As I was walking I noticed a guy who looked like Jake and as I got closer I saw that he actually was Jake.

I tried turning around quickly and heading the other way so he wouldn't notice me. It would be just way to akward to run into him now. We haven't talked in almost two years so what would we possibly even say to one another.

"Hey beautiful. You trying to avoid me?", Jake had noticed me.

"Oh hey. I didn't even notice you", I lied.

"Don't lie. I saw you looking at me and then I saw you basically run in the opposite direction. Hiding something?", Jake asked with a smirk on his face. Almost like he knew I still liked him or something.

"Please, what would I possibly be hiding?", I asked trying to play it off.

"You know you haven't stopped thinking about me, even after all this time. Hey, I haven't stopped thinking about you either. I missed you." Jake said and right there I knew it was time to walk away.

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