Chapter 8- The incident that changed everything

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Jungeun was excited that she could have another friend, other than Chuu, or even Jinsoul.

She then received a message.

Byung Hun: Hi, I'm the guy that asked you for your number just now.

Jungeun: Oh hi!

Byung , do you know how to do this question?
(Sends a pic with a math question)

As Jungeun was a smart student, she immediately knew the answer.

Jungeun: So all you have to do is to add this number to this number... and then times this number to find the answer!

Byung Hun: Wow, thank you so much!

Jungeun: Your welcome!


As time went on, the duo was getting along very well.

They would hang out by playing games or doing homework together.

Jinsoul, on the other hand, thought to herself: I wish that could happen to me too.

She noticed that Jungeun and Byung Hun were together most of the time and was getting a little jealous as time went on.

"Hey,you're feeling jealous right?" Yves, noticed that Jinsoul was staring at them all the time during lunch.

" No... I'm just interested as to why she suddenly has a new friend." Jinsoul replied.

" Yeah ok" Yves said, not impressed by Jinsoul's answer.

Jungeun [POV]:

Jungeun was doing her homework when Byung Hun suddenly asked her a question.

"Hey, Jungeun, we have been hanging out a lot, do you think that we should go on a date?"

Jungeun was shocked at his question.

She only thought of him as a friend, nothing more- she liked someone else.

"Um, I think that we should still stay as friends. I like someone else, sorry." Jungeun replied.

However, that answer made Byung Hun furious.

" What? I thought you liked me too!" He talked back.

"Sorry, I like someone else. We still can be friends though." She replied.

After hearing what she said, Byung Hun immediately stormed off, leaving Jungeun speechless.

She never expected someone to like her, especially Byung Hun.

She only thought that Byung Hun treated her like a buddy and a friend.

She was wrong.

Byung Hun[POV]:

As he stormed off, he thought to himself: Ok Jungeun, since you don't like me, you're gonna regret this.


The bell rang.


Jinsoul was packing her items when she saw Byung Hun standing at the front door.

"Hey Jungeun, do you want to go to the café to study later?" He asked.


She thought to herself: Why does he suddenly want to invite me? I thought he was mad at me. Should I go so that we can mend our friendship?

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