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it was almost the end of mike and el's tutor session, el was doing what she was usually doing towards the end which was marking mike's stuff and giving him feedback.

"there's progress." el says, "but.. your problem is still the same. you have the correct information vaguely and to get a high mark, it has to be detailed and correct usage of terminology. you're nowhere near that. this is barely a sentence answer, mike."

"come on, just let me pass." he frowns with a pout, "you said i have correct information."

"yeah, but that barely gets you a C-. detailed paragraphs is what we need. full terminology." she says, "but we can work on that tomorrow."

"tomorrow!? i'm stressing here, el. stressing!" he cries out as she couldn't help but giggle, "you have progress and we still have a week and a half. you'll be fine."

he sighs out, laying down on the table and nods, "alright."

she smiles weakly and starts to pack up her stuff by stacking up her notes.

"hey el?" he speaks up as she hums, "yes?" her focus was on putting her stuff away in her bag.

"i have a game tonight. do you want to go?" he asks.

she zips up her bag, "your basketball games?"

he nods.

"oh uh, i have something to do. sorry." she couldn't go. there was so many people there.

a bunch of people in a gym at night. dangerous, it screamed.

"oh." he hides the disappointment and swallows, "that's okay. you can come to my next one." he smiles and throws his bag over his shoulder as he stands up, "i'll catch you tomorrow, el."

"do your work properly." she reminds and stands up.

his eyes move with her body, smiling as he sees that she was for once leaving with him and not before or after.

"i will." he nods as she gives him a look, "no offence but your work screams lazy. i gave you my notes, it should be good."

he smiles, "if you do by any chance can make it tonight, give me a text. i'll save you a spot."

she nods slowly as he holds the door open for her, "i'll like you to be there."

"why, to give me more pressure to get your grades up or else you won't get to play?" she asks teasingly as he chuckles with a grin, "yeah, that."

he shakes his head, "no, i just— just want you to be there, that's all."

nodding weakly, she forces a smile, "i'll see. if i do, what time is it?"

"at 5:30. it should end by 7 so don't worry." he says, "you can bring ella if you want. i'll save her a front spot." he smiles widely as she smiles back sincerely, this time, "okay. i'll see, yeah. i have to go now but um, i'll text you then."

he nods, "okay then." he watches as she walks away and turns the corner.


"el, listen to me!" ella cries out as el nods, "yes, sorry. what?" she looks up from her bowl of cereal since ella wanted that once they got to el's house.

"i was talking about my day." ella pouts as el smiles sheepishly, "sorry. continue, ella."

"what are you thinking about?" ella hops off her stool to circle the island and once she does, she climbs onto el's lap, "let me in, let me in!"

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