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mike :)

like i promised since u won (congrats btw, sorry couldn't watch but i'm sure u did great!!!!) imma send u storm storm pics
attachment: 3 photos

hihi!!like i promised since u won (congrats btw, sorry couldn't watch but i'm sure u did great!!!!) imma send u storm storm picsattachment: 3 photos

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here's a bb photo of her when i first got herattachment: 1 photo

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here's a bb photo of her when i first got her
attachment: 1 photo

she hasn't grew much for some reason but it's ok bc i love her and the vet said that it is ok since she a tiny tiny one :))))ur probably going home and getting ready rn so i won't bother u <3storm says good game and night night doe ❤️(delivered 7:...

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she hasn't grew much for some reason but it's ok bc i love her and the vet said that it is ok since she a tiny tiny one :))))
ur probably going home and getting ready rn so i won't bother u <3
storm says good game and night night doe ❤️
(delivered 7:48pm)

hey hey
sorry i was getting my shit ready and i was so tired so i took a bath.
but storm is so cute what the fuck

hey no potty words here!

u swear!

when i'm not in a good mood and i'm in a great mood so no no <333
anyways good game! storm blew a kiss :)

tell her i love her
and that i'll go steal her to be mine one day
she's adorable

she issssss
she's so cute
you should see her playing
she be like 🤪🐱🐱🦇

why a bat?

bc she reminds me of one
idk why she just does
shes so cute
but she fussy right now so i have to go
she like a babyyyyyyy

but she is a baby tho, no?

to me, yes yes yes
text later :)

see you, el 😊
(seen 8:54pm)


what did i do????

i just opened tiktok and got blinded by ur bare chest
why mike why?


u posted a thirst trap SIR
how do i unfollow u

wait u follow me?
how did i not know??

um probably bc u have 563k followers and i doubt you'd remember or even seen my follow through the girls constantly commenting and following u so yeah

i'll follow u then
i assume it's very simple and is ur name
i did not post a thirst trap btw

led lights and nakey nakey
naughty behaviour i say

but did u like it?

i got scared and slammed by phone shut
my eyes, mikey, they're blinded

don't mikey me.

*i am sticking my tongue out at you but through the phone since you can't see*

do not call me that
i'll call you ellie

it's ok
i don't mind
my mom used to call me that as a nickname but i just changed it to el afterwards


and people said it was easier and it stuck even though i wanted to change it.

who is 'people'

doesn't matter
pls don't blind me or scare me like that again
i'd appreciate it thank u!!!

ok i'll be considerate next time and only for u

good good
ok i'm sleeping now
we need to text more bc u sound nicer
maybe bc u suck at texting but whatever

excuse me?

u dry
not emoji

but i bet ur smiling and was laughing


are u?

ok maybe a little
u no

yeah yeah

i don't like u

that's right
you love me

no i don't
no no no

ok then goodnight
wait u actually left
oh alright then

just kidding!!!!!
i'm back
u need to work on ur texting skills

i'll try

good <33
i want to text ella
but i can't
she doesn't have a phone

get her one

i would
but i'm broke as u probably know

i really don't know

ok so i miss ella
but it's ok
bc i see her tmr morning
omg ur driving holly!!
i'll see u mikey :))

oh yeah
i drive buy a coffee place
want anything?

can you get me a caramel latte?

of course
want a bagel or something?

no, it's okay
thank u!!

you're welcome ;)
see not dry
anyways, i have to go
i'm tried from today

oh ok
of course
see you tmr morning :))))
storm storm says night night

tell storm i said night as well
goodnight, el

night mike <3
(seen 9:25pm)


a/n: yes yes texting chap bc i'm lost on what to write 😗

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