Where in the Hell is Johnny?

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"He ain't been seen in THREE DAYS!!"
The woman in the camp gathered around one that was worrying her head off, running her fingers through her brown hair. "I'm sure he's fine, Abigail," one cooed, patting her shoulder gently. "He's a strong man, he can look after himself."
"The weather ain't let up," Abigail worried again. She moved her hand down to play with her fingers instead of grabbing at her hair. The woman beside her took her hands gently to get her attention.
"He's smart and he's strong," the woman tried to console her. "Strong, at least."
Abigail managed a weak smile. Javier crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall.
John Marston, Abigail's husband-but-not-really, hadn't been seen since the gang's house robbery. Several people now suspected Micah had left him for dead somewhere so he could hog all the glory of finding the house, but there was no true way of knowing...Other than heading out blindly into the snow after him.
Which was suicide, if you asked Javier, but the entire gang was having a hard time knocking that into Abigail's thick, worried skull.
The building's door opening drew all eyes to see who it was. Arthur nodded a greeting to Javier as he came inside to crouch by the fire.
"Hello Arthur," Abigail greeted him.
"Abigail." Arthur barely looked at her, more preoccupied with taking his gloves off and setting them down near the fireplace. Abigail moved over to him and lowered her voice. The woman who was comforting her, a black woman named Tilly, walked over to stand beside Javier.
"Fifty dollars says she's tryin' to convince him to find John," she whispered to Javier. He shook his head.
"Arthur won't go," he said. "I know him. He's not that soft-hearted."
"No? He bonded fast enough to the little girl."
Javier restrained himself from elbowing her, reminding himself that woman were a little more fragile in the chest area. "Everyone bonded with Jenny! She and Jack got along like a house on fire. We needed another little kid."
"Fat load of good that did her."
The two fell silent, watching Arthur quietly argue with Abigail. The woman seemed to be on the verge of tears from worry. Javier patted Tilly's shoulder and pushed off from the wall.
"...take a look!" He caught the tail end of Abigail's plea.
"Listen, John knows his way around the wilderness. I'm sure he's doing fine."
"Three days in the snow isn't good, Arthur," Javier cut in. "I doubt this is on purpose."
"Yeah, well, it wouldn't be the first time." Arthur grabbed his gloves and pushed his hat back. "Fine, I'll go look. If I disappear, I'm telling my search party to blame you, Abigail."
"Oh thank you, thank you Arthur!" Abigail looked like she could kiss the scruffy cowboy.
Javier stood up with Arthur and stopped him from walking past.
"I'm coming with you," he said when Arthur gave him a questioning look. "Someone with tracking skills could be helpful in this."
"I can track!" Arthur argued. Javier raised his eyebrow.
"I can! I found rabbits before we left, didn't I?"
His eyebrow rose higher.
"That was one time!"
Javier ducked his head, giving Arthur an unimpressed look. Arthur crossed his arms and glared at him. Javier grinned, knowing he'd won.
"Come, Boaz!" He called when he rushed out the door. His painted stallion plunged through the snow to reach him and flicked his ears back. 'This better be important,' he seemed to say.
"Where's my horse?" Arthur asked.
Javier shrugged. "Try calling for it. I'm not getting him for you."
"I didn't name it yet!"
"Now sounds like a good time to name it."
Javier found himself winning a second time as Arthur glared at him again. The cowboy didn't usually like naming things or animals, only naming his last horse because she came with the name and she survived three shoot-outs. Javier left the cowboy calling out random names and stood Boaz in the shelter of some dead trees.
Arthur's horse ignored him for a good 6-7 names. Javier watched as the man started growing anxious and throw out more off-the-wall names. When he called out "Gunner", the horse finally responded, trotting over to Arthur and rubbing his head against him like a good dog. Arthur mounted up and rode over to Javier and Boaz.
"You didn't think I was gonna leave you behind, did you?" He teased.
"Gunner! Who the Hell names their horse 'Gunner'?!" Arthur ranted, pulling Gunner into a tight circle when he started prancing. Javier hid a laugh behind his hand.

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