Finding Horseshoe Overlook

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The two Morgans Arthur was driving seemed just as excited by the change in temperature as the human members of the gang. The horses arched their necks proudly, heads raised to sniff the spring wind, their ears rotating to catch all the sounds. Arthur and Uncle caught snippets of people's conversations when the two paused their own. Javier herded the horses up ahead, struggling to drive them foreword when the hungry animals decided to steal a quick bite of fresh grass.
"Do you remember where we're goin'?" Uncle asked.
"New Hanover-" Arthur cut himself off when a Morgan suddenly spooked, crashing into the other one and almost causing a runaway accident. "New Hanover," he repeated. "Charles and I found a little spot hidden away, not too long ago. There's a town not far from it. Dutch figured we could explore it one day, see what's there."
"But first we move in, I hope," Uncle said with a chuckle. Arthur didn't respond, busy fighting to keep his spooking Morgans from running off on him.
Crossing the river proved to be treacherous for the horses. Many of them seemed to have trouble, if the exclamations Arthur was overhearing was anything to go by. His own team of Morgans struggled through on their turn, scrambling to leave the rushing water too quickly and getting a wheel caught on a rock jutting out of the riverbed. A loud crack and clang made the Morgans spook (again), causing Arthur to throw the reins into Uncle's hands before jumping down to see what had happened.
"For cryin' out loud!" He yelled upon sighting the damage. The covered wagon ahead of them slowed to a stop.
"Everything alright back there, Arthur?" Hosea asked, turning around to see what was going on.
"Ah, I broke the goddamn wheel!" Arthur knelt down and grabbed the (thankfully intact) wheel. Hosea laughed and started climbing down from his wagon to help.
"Here, let me see." The elder knelt down next to Arthur and took the wheel from him. "Might as well slow us both up. We've got time."
"Dutch won't be happy if you don't show up at the same time he does," Arthur warned.
"He'd be even less happy if you didn't show up, either," Hosea pointed out. "You know how he can get about his sons. Why doesn't Uncle help you with this?"
"You expect that old coot to actually be useful?"
Hosea smiled at that, shaking his head. "That...Is true, I suppose."
"I can hear you!" Uncle called from the front of the wagon.
"Help us, then!" Hosea called back. Arthur laughed and took the wheel from him.
After swiftly fixing the wheel together, Hosea went back to his own wagon and Arthur took up the reins back in his. "Maybe go a little slower this time," Uncle offered. Arthur gave him a dirty look in response.
The Morgans lurched foreword at the reins' command. The rest of the ride was mostly silent until Javier pulled Boaz up next to the wagon.
"Arthur! Arthur." He waved his hand to get the cowboy's attention. "Mind giving me a lift?"
"There's no more space!" Uncle argued.
"Please, I need a break. My back's going to break if Boaz jumps over one more rock."
"Switch with him, Uncle." Arthur nudged the older man beside him. "It won't kill you to ride Nell bareback for a little bit."
"My man bits will be crushed!"
"You have man bits?"
Javier snorted a laugh. Uncle glared at Arthur, who gave him an angelic smile in response. The older man sighed and climbed off the slowing wagon. Arthur threw him a lasso to use as a makeshift bridle as Javier jumped from his stallion to the wagon's seat. The Morgans took this as well as expected and tried to bolt.
"Next time I'm letting Uncle control these animals," Arthur snarled, struggling to bring them back under control. Javier laughed again.
The two men rode in silence, watching the scenery around them get greener and thicker with trees as they descended downhill. The horses started trying to steal more and more grass, to Uncle's frustration. Arthur considered jumping down to help him when a sound nearby made both him and the horses jump.
Natives stood on the ridge above them, watching the men pass with unreadable faces. The leader stared down Arthur like he could see inside the man's mind.
"Indians," Javier muttered to himself.
"They won't hurt us, I don't think," Arthur tried to reassure him. "We aren't on their land."
"They have land left?"
Arthur couldn't find the words to answer that. It was true, however-the natives had about as many rights to their lands as the animals around them. The world was moving on without them.
It was honestly surprising there were still any left.

Dutch and the other members had already unloaded most of their things by the time Arthur, Javier and Uncle showed up. Javier climbed down off the wagon quickly to get Boaz's saddle off him as Uncle jumped off his mare.
"Arthur, there you are." Hosea walked over to his son, patting his shoulder. "We thought we'd lost you."
"No such luck this time." Arthur returned Hosea's shoulder pat before looking around.
The spot Dutch had led them to was...Well, beautiful. It was a moderately-sized clearing between thick bunches of trees, well obscured from the rest of the world. There was lots of space for everyone's tents and gear, as well as space for the horses to graze and roll (which most of them were now doing, digging their faces into the long grass around them and flattening the ground with their large bodies). It ended at a little cliff overlooking the land. Dutch was standing there now, Molly-an Irish woman he was kind of sweet on-standing at his side.
"I think the others are here now, Dutch," Molly said, looking behind her. Dutch glanced behind him, nodded to the redhead in thanks and walked towards his gang.
"So," he started, rubbing his hands together. "What do you think of our new home?"
"It's beautiful!" Tilly cheered. Sadie nodded in agreement beside her.
"It is lovely, Dutch." Micah crossed his arms, ignoring Baylock nuzzling against him for attention. (His affectionate stallion then stole his hat and trotted off, prompting Micah to chase after him to get it back. You don't ignore Baylock when he wants love.)
Dutch raised his hands as more compliments and a few concerns came out, motioning for everyone to hush. The gang members fell silent.
"Here is the plan," Dutch spoke. "We're all unemployed former factory workers. The place we worked closed and forced us to move. That being said, try to avoid accepting work. I don't know how long we will be able to stay here."
"Factory workers?" Micah spoke up again, glaring at Baylock and brushing off his hat. "Really, Dutch? That's the level you're bowing to?"
"It's not the most favourable, but it's the most low-key."
Micah grumbled at that response, but shut his mouth.
"Mister Van der Linde!" Pearson struggled to carry the bits of his cooking tent over to a big patch of land. "I enjoy your speeches, but we have a camp to set up. May we hold that off until everything is set up?"
There were a few laughs in response to that. Dutch nodded and motioned him to go ahead. "Get yourselves comfortable," he said. "We'll hash out a better plan later."

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