Chatter, Banter and Plans

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Another arrow hit the snowy ground, stuck shaft-deep into the ground. "Augh! Come on!"
Arthur struggled to load another arrow into his bow. He'd been practicing his aim with it for the last half hour (as evidence by the 20-some bows scattered around a deer carcass). Sitting on the edge of a little decline shooting arrows at a dead body seemed like a waste of time, but working on his aim with a bow was better than sitting around with nothing better to do-even if Gunner did sometimes distract him by wandering over and sniffing him for no reason.
So far, Arthur had hit the deer's body a total of five times. Fifteen arrows had been wasted or distracted shots. He had to head back to the camp soon, he knew...But maybe a few more shots?
"Arthur," a familiar voice called. "What're you doing?"
Arthur turned around to see who had come over. Charles stood with Gunner, rubbing the stallion's neck and feeding him something from his hand. Arthur pushed his hat back and shrugged.
"Ah...I don't know," he said at last. "I was tryin' to practice my aim with the bow, but with Gunner repeatedly interruptin' me-"
"Why don't you just tie him up?"
Gunner snorted, making Charles jump back. Arthur grinned. "There's your answer."
He turned around again, once more taking aim at the dead deer. Once again, the arrow wound up diving into the snow. It was closer to the deer's body, at least.
"Your aim is off." Charles walked up beside the cowboy.
Arthur scoffed. "You think?"
"Let me help you."
"No." Arthur drew another arrow and aimed once again. This one wound up bouncing off the deer's cannon bone. Charles huffed a laugh.
"You know, Dutch sent me out to get you," he said, kneeling next to his friend. "So either you let me help you or you come with me."
That got Arthur's attention. "Dutch wants me?"
"He found out that the O'Drisolls have plans for a train robbery. We're supposed to go out and steal it sometime today."
Arthur stretched, sending a few arrows tumbling out of the pack on his back. "Eeh...Sometime today doesn't mean now."
The two men fell silent as Arthur drew another arrow. Charles watched as this one flew directly over the deer's body and buried itself head-first into the snow.
"You're aiming it wrong-"
"Shut up, Charles," Arthur growled. Charles raised his hands in surrender.

Arthur was still in a sour mood as he followed Charles into camp. He still hadn't been able to hit the deer in any important places with the stupid bow. Even after shooting his five remaining arrows, climbing down to retrieve them all, climbing back up and shooting all 20 again. He had the best aim with a gun, how was a bow any different?!
"Arthur. Charles." Micah nodded to them both, an amused smile making his expression seem darker. "Have fun?"
"Gales of fun," Charles snarked. Micah huffed a laugh.
"Dutch left already?" Arthur asked.
Micah shook his head. "Nah. Insisted on waiting for you two. With luck the O'Driscolls will hold off on their train heist for another day."
"'With luck'," Arthur mocked as he and Charles rode past him. "He knows damn well O'Driscolls are lazy bastards. Have to light a fire under them to get their attention."
"You'd know, wouldn't you?" Charles teased.
Arthur decided to ignore him.
The Count lifted his head when the barn door opened. Dutch was already in, making sure the horses had settled in to the shabby stalls and were eating decently. Arabian and man watched the two incoming men lead their horses in and push the barn door closed behind them.
"How's Johnny?" Arthur asked, brushing snow off of Gunner's brown-and-white neck. Dutch shrugged in response.
Charles led his mare into a spare stall and felt her over for bruises. "Is anyone not going to the O'Driscoll camp, Dutch? I might need to borrow a horse."
Another shrug. Arthur sent Gunner into the stall next to The Count's and walked over to his friend. "Hey," he said softly. "Hellooo, Dutch. Are you in there?"
Dutch shook his head, clearing it. "Sorry, boys," he apologized. "I was thinkin'."
"That's dangerous," Charles teased. Taima snorted as if to agree.
"I'm planning, Charles." Dutch glared at the young man, unimpressed. "We need somewhere to go after we get the train money."
"Didn't we see a spot earlier?" Arthur asked casually, moving away when the Count stuck his pink nose in his face. "While we were runnin'. Horseshoe overlook."
"Maybe you did, since you and Uncle got lost." There was a loud THUNK as Charles rested Taima's saddle over her stall door. "I don't remember seeing a place called that."
"Maybe you did but just didn't know it. I nicknamed it m'self."
"See, Arthur?" Dutch cut in to the conversation. "This is part of the reason I like you. You can find the perfect thing at the perfect time."
"I'm flattered, Dutch...I think."
"Charles!" The native man jumped when Dutch turned to him. "You said you needed a horse?"
"I do. Taima hurt her leg riding out to find-"
"You can take Javier's horse for now. Arthur, we have a plan to go over. C'mon!"
Arthur and Charles shared a look. Arthur sighed, pulled Gunner's stall door again, grabbed his reins and followed Dutch and the Count back out into the snow.

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