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"PROFESSOR NAMJOON WHAT!!" Jimin screamed when he heard Jungkook

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"PROFESSOR NAMJOON WHAT!!" Jimin screamed when he heard Jungkook.

"I was also shocked at first." Jungkook said, his eyes widening.

"Oh my god, Jin hyung is so lucky." Jimin fake cried and Jungkook knotted his brows.

"Why is he lucky?"

"Because his crush likes him back, unlike certain someone." Jimin sighed, thinking when will Mr. Min like him back.

"Do you really like Taehyung?" Jungkook mumbled, Jimin was quite shocked hearing him.


"It's okay, you can tell me" Jungkook mumbled under his breath, he was so scared to hear the answer but still was curious.

"Uh maybe, I don't know. You know he is always flirty with everyone." Jimin nervously laughed.

"Not with me though."

"Oh, but what if he's only flirty with you?" Jungkook looked at Jimin hoping that Jimin would say no.

"Then I do like him, I guess. He is handsome, intelligent and most importantly good from heart. You know him better." Jimin said nervously rubbing his nape and Jungkook softly hummed.

"Do you like him?"

"Huh? "

"You, do you like Taehyung?" Jimin asked clearly.

"Of course I like him, he is my best friend." Jungkook answered, smiling fondly.

"I didn't mean that." Jimin said and Jungkook looked at him being confused. "I mean, do you like him? Not as a friend, you know.”

"Not as a friend?" Jimin hummed in response. Jungkook got lost in thoughts before answering.

"No, he is not my type. He is always funny and not serious about anything in his life. And he is my best friend, why would I like him that way." Jungkook laughed, Jimin forced a smile on his face so he wouldn't be suspicious.

"Also he doesn't like me, he likes you. It will be only me if I like him"

To grab the both boy's attention the rooftop's door closed causing a loud sound. They both flinched and looked back to see Taehyung standing there. Jimin cursed inside, what if Taehyung heard Jungkook. He shouldn't have asked Jungkook this question.

"Sorry, did I scare you two?” Taehyung asked, forcing out a laugh. Of course he heard Jungkook, of course he was hurt. It's not a new thing. No matter whatever he does, he will always be the funny boy to Jungkook, always be only his friend.

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