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Hello, everyone, it's no update nor an important notice about the book. It's just a simple request from a normal citizen living in Bangladesh. I'm writing here to spread the news as however as I can. This is the only place where my voice would be heard by hundreds of people and I'm going to use it properly.

I will just request everyone who's reading this, please take a look at what's happening in my country (BANGLADESH). My people here are dying for no reason, getting arrested for going out, waving at the helicopter, which was out for curfew and still it's here.

A 6 years old girl was shot dead in his father's embrace while playing on her own house’s rooftop. A 11 year old boy was shot dead while closing the window of his own house. Who is safe here? Nobody.

Things started from the quota movement protest, that was an absolute right thing to do. Students who have talent, who are brilliant and can make our country more developed were lagging behind just because of this quota thing. It is a special facility given to the family of freedom fighters who fought for our liberation war.

Many students couldn't get a proper job, couldn't get a tight grasp of a government job just because of this. Parents who gave their all to educate their childrens, their childs couldn't get into a better place because of this.

I'm not going to talk about this much more, I'm just raising my voice against how my innocent people are dying just because they left their house, just because they attended the protest, just because someone was taking photos, videos. This is not right, they got no rights to arrest anybody just because they waved, just because they took photos!

We are living in an independent country, where we're supposed to have our own rights. But now we all are deprived of even human rights!

More than thousands of people were dead, many people became blind and got major injuries . The leaders of students are being captured forcefully and the police are torturing them! Who gave them the right to torture my brothers? Who are they to take a decision on their behalf?

And they said it was self custody! When the question was asked if any of them said they felt unsafe, the DB said no, they figured that out from monitoring them. JUST THINK HOW FREAKING STUPID THE REASON IS!

If I try to say everything, it will be over 10k words. I don't want it to be too long because I want most of you to read this fully and please try to take a stand with us and let others see what the government of our country is doing to us.

Even today a teacher got arrested because of fighting for the students who are being targeted to be killed! The police used bullets that are used in war to kill students, to kill childrens, to kill normal citizens! Is this a war? Is this country a battle ground? The government called us dictator, terrorists just because we fought for our rights! The government cried over wealth but not over the hundreds of innocent people who died!

You have no idea how ashamed I feel of myself, my brothers, my sisters are being tortured, getting killed on the road fighting for my future, and I can't do anything except watch it all lying on my bed. I feel like the most useless person. I don't know how many people will actually help me but I just wanted to spread this news as far as I can.

I'm living in an independent country where my safety is not assured, the independent people are being deprived of human rights. Please help me, if you can just read some articles or watch some news (NOT FROM ANY OFFICIAL TV CHANNELS OF MY COUNTRY, it's such a shame but none of them are broadcasting any true news, they're taking sides of the government)

Please, just talk about this with your family, or friends. You don't have to take a strong stand for us if you can't, you just discuss this, it will mean a lot to me, to us, to those who gave their innocent lives to the dictator, to the so-called government.

I beg all of you to help me just this once and thank you so much for reading till now. You don't know how grateful I am to every one of you who read each of my words.


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