Chant My Name!

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Haruki: Eh you can talk?! Who are you?

Z: I am Ultraman Z from planet M78. Also my i ask you a question?

Haruki: Hmmmm sure.

Z: Ok

(Z takes a deep breath)

Z: WHAT IS THAT THING!? IT'S ULTRA-CREEPY. It doesnt look like a Kaiju or a Alien.

Haruki: Woah woah woah. Calm down i'll explain later.

Suddenly Z's colour timer started flashing red.

Suddenly Z's colour timer started flashing red

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Z: Oh crap! Listen kid i need your help.

Z starts to glow and both Haruki and Z dissapear.

Z: Awaken, Earthling.

Haruki wakes up in a black void.

Haruki: You?

Z: Deepest apologies, for taking you here.

Haruki: So what now? What about the people? People who are being killed by the Titans.

Z: We have on option. If we merge, we can fight them together protect the city. Will you join me? I require your help please. Can you understand me?

Haruki: I understand, but you talk a little funny.

Z: Wait , seriously? How very troubling Earthese is Ultra-difficult.

Haruki: W-Well forget that. So, if i join you, defeat the Titans and protect everyone?!

Z: Yes,we can.

Haruki: Then.... i'll do it!

Z starts to glow and Z transforms into The Z riser. Haruki than grabs it.

Haruki examines the Riser for a bit

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Haruki examines the Riser for a bit.

Z: Now press the trigger.

Haruki presses the Trigger it activated a portal with the Z logo.

Z: Enter here.

Haruki: Kay!

Haruki goes through the gate, as a card is summon Haruki takes the card, he looks at it.

Ultraman Z X AOT (I Ask You To Chant My Name!)Where stories live. Discover now