Chapter 10- its getting out of hand

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"Ruby you open this door right this minute!" Roma shouted, hitting a fist on rubys locked door.

"No mom!" Ruby cried from her bed where she was curled up. "I-I did it again! It's all happening again!" She shouted.

"You get out here this minute young lady." Her mom said seriously, crossing her arms.

"No!" Ruby shouted, throwing a shoe at the door. "Please.. Go away." She cried. "I .. I don't want to hurt anyone else mama.. I don't want to kill anyone else." She cried, looking down at her shaking hands that hadn't yet stopped flaming since the accident outside the fabric store.

"Hun.. We can get through this, just open the door." He mother asked.

"I.. I don't want to." Ruby sniffled.

Suddenly there was a knock at the front door, and rubys father went to peek out the window. Standing at their door was the King himself. Oh no.. He had to be coming about ruby, there wasn't another reason the King would bother showing up at their door step.

He cleared his throat before opening up the door. "Ah sir." He said before bowing his head a little.

The King motioned for him to rise, letting out a sigh as Izan invited him in. "I've come on be half of your daughter, the one with the curse." The King said, two guards stepping in behind with swords pulled from their sheaths.

"I'm sorry Izan.. This is getting out of hand." The King said, looking towards the stairs before pointing to them. "Go get the girl." He told the guards before they started for the stairs.

"No! Wait, can't we just take her and go some place else?" Rubys father shouted, holding his arms out infront of the stairs as if to stop them from going up there.

"Where would you go? Other places would not accept a fire elf Izan." The King said but then shook his head in disapproval. "But it matters not, the council and I have made our minds, this world is in danger as long as that girl lives." He said before the guards pushed the old man out of the way.

Rubys dad stumbled to the floor weakly, and he couldn't lift himself back up after he had fallen. This was really happening? He had heard rumors about people plotting to take his daughter. But he did not know they would really go this far.

"Roma! They are going to kill ruby!" He shouted, crawling for the stairs to grab hold of one guards ankle, tugging him down.

"Get her out! Go!" He shouted again. "Ta-" he started again but before he could finished the guard that was still standing smacked his head hard with his metal boot, causing the old man to black out cold.

"Ruby open the door!" Her mother said again, shaking the door knob frantically. "Ruby they are going to kill you!" Roma shouted but one of the guards tossed her across the hall and kicked rubys door clean off the door way.

Rubys eyes widened bigger than saucers, backing up across her room near her window. Should she make the run for it?

Ruby gulped as the guard neared her with his sword held out in a shaky hand. "You hold still and I will make this as quick and painless as possible." He said.

Maybe she should just hold still, the world would be better off with out a danger like her in it. Tears started streaming down rubys cheeks. But she did not move, tightly closing her eyes to get ready for what was coming to her.

Her heart pounded in her chest, body trembling quickly as she let out what she thought would be her last breath as the guard drew back his sword, getting ready to swing.

"Stop! Please!" Roma shouted, hitting the guard in the side, his armor clinking with her pan to make a horrible metal hitting metal sound.

"God dammit woman!" The man growled, grappling her by the throat to place his sword to her, Romas neck.

Ruby suddenly opened her teary eyes. Her mother! She couldn't let her mother be killed because of her. She itched her fingers for the guard. Just him.. She wouldn't touch her mother, just the man.

Ruby took a deep breath before exhaling slowly as she watched tears stream down her mothers face. She quickly reached out to grab the mans arm.

He immediately screamed, the flames on rubys hands bursted into a large fire that climbed up the walls of her bedroom, and closed in on them while climbing up the males body to eat at his flesh as screams of pain escaped him.

But what made rubys breath hitch and her heart break was the sight of her mother mouthing 'I love you' for the last time as the flames from the man started eating the flesh from her bones.

"Mom! Mama!" Ruby screamed so loud she could have broke every window in every house in New York, she quickly yanked her hands away.

She stepped back quickly in her own flames that had engulfed the whole room. But it was too late. Her pained eyes quickly shut tightly, shaking as she listened but tried to tune out the pained screams. And only when she knew the screaming had stopped did she look through the flames to find two lifeless bodies collapsed ontop of one another.

This was getting out of control.. This was more than she could handle. She had killed her mother? Rubys cried so hard she swore she would never be able to cry again after how hard she was crying. How would she ever explain this to her father? How could she confront him after killing her mother?

Looking over to her door way the shadow of a old mans figure was stood, staring into the fire at Roma. It was her father. Rubys heart almost stopped then and there as she looked at his pained eyes. This was getting out of hand.

Ruby backed further away, and it was then she knew what she had to do. She had to leave. Before she could hurt anyone else.

Ruby quickly climbed out her window onto the roof and climbed down. Once her bare feet touched the ground she ran, ran with out looking back.

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