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Phobe's POV:

What was your childhood like?

Do you used to play around with other kids from the neighborhood?

How often did you trip or bruise yourself due to chasing each other?

Have you tried sneaking out just to get outside even though you were burning up from having a fever?

Always come home with a muddy dirty face due to the sand and dirt?

What about coming home crying because they thought you were cheating? Or maybe you lose a slipper?

Consider yourselves lucky then..since I never have experienced any of those.


I felt a light tap on her shoulder, that made me stop from zoning out from staring at my room's window, listening to children outside squealing from playing. My head turned to the person who prevent me from staring out of space for too long,

"Hey, Pho, you looked bothered.. You okay?.."

A girl with long curly brunette hair with sparkling big blue eyes asks in a concern way, her eyebrows frowning in worry,

I shook my head, "It's nothing, Astrid. Just remembering things, that's all."

"You sure? I can tell the professor that you're not feeling well today" She softly says,

We then heard a frustrated groan behind her, our eyes then glanced to a chinky looking girl with red gazing eyes and jet black silky hair,

This made us let out a sigh and a chuckle to listen to her complain,

"Ugh, I hope that fever will come to me today, I just remembered about our huge test in History today. I hope you were thinking about that, Bie, and you didn't study didn't 'cha?.."

She asks with a grin, I just rolled my eyes playfully for I already know that she doesn't want to be alone or of being the person who didn't study.

"Rebecca, History is like one of my top 3 favorite subjects. Why would I skip studying about it last night?"

Rebecca lets out a big exhale, causing her bangs to fly up, "Okay, I get it, you big brainiac, you're smart."

I facepalmed, "I don't know if that should be a compliment or not. But I know that look."

Placing my bag to my study table, I dug into it to find my messy notes for Rebecca to have a last minute study. She snatched it out of my hands as soon as I held it out off my bag with a relieved weird laugh,

"HUWAAAA! Oh my god, you're a lifesaver, Pho!"

Astrid and I looked at each other with chuckles to our childish friend.

That's the time where I haven't met him yet, where my chaotic and fun days haven't started.

You might be asking, who is this, "him". I'd be asking the same thing as well,

Flashback; 13 years ago...

3rd Person POV;

A young woman that was in her 30's strokes her paintbrush onto the canvas smoothly while humming a soft tune.

Being focused on her painting, a small girl on her 5 years of age perks out of the door frame with a big smile across her face, planning to scare her mother,

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