Chapter 8

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Nicole shifted slightly, her first movement in hours since she stopped shivering.

"Baby, I'm here, I've got you," Waverly soothed, as she stroked Nicole's hair. Nicole mumbled something in French, which Waverly could just make out.

"Désolée (I'm sorry)."

"My beautiful darling, I know you are. It's OK. I'm sorry too. I love you so, so much. Do you hear me," tears welling in Waverly's eyes as she pulled herself closer to Nicole.

Nicole opened her eyes, a look of confusion on her face, as she took in her surroundings, trying to work out how she had ended up naked, in bed, with Waverly beside her. It didn't make sense. She remembered walking for hours in the rain, following tourist maps outside each Metro station she came across to guide her to Little Africa. She had struggled to find Shae's apartment, but her army training had helped her navigate unfamiliar streets to locate it finally. She had stood in a doorway for an hour, looking up at the lights in Shae's apartment, desperately wanting to see Waverly, too afraid of being rejected. Now, she was lying next to Waverly and it didn't make sense.

Shae entered the bedroom. Seeing Nicole awake, she came over to feel her skin.

"Hi there, your temperature is improving. How do you feel?" Shae asked.

"Cold, sore," Nicole croaked. "How am I here? "

"You collapsed," Shae advised. "We carried you inside. You gave us quite a scare."

Hearing those words, Nicole sat up suddenly, the memory of what she had done on the balcony flooding her mind. She turned to face Waverly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Waverly, I...I did...I....I...your dress," as tears replaced words, unable to stop her emotions from overflowing in that moment.

"My darling, It's OK. Nicole, it's OK," Waverly soothed. "You did nothing wrong. It was an accident. No one got hurt. See, I'm here with you," both now realising they were naked, with Shae staring at them.

"I'll bring you a warm drink," Shae offered, recognising they needed time alone. As the door closed, Waverly took Nicole's hand and placed it over her heart.

"See, still here. I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily," she said, caressing Nicole's hair. "Robinet is an ass. He's jealous of what we have. He said as much on the balcony. I hate him so much right now. I don't think Shae is too impressed with him either. He wanted to drive a wedge between us, to split us. He couldn't.

Waverly paused, looking directly at Nicole: "But, he did show us something we need to talk about."

Nicole looked worried.

"You've got to trust me," Waverly continued. " I'm yours, no one else's. Got it. I'm not leaving you, for someone else. This is it, Nicole. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Nicole replied. A pause... "Do you trust me?"

"With my life."

They hugged at the airport, as Waverly's flight was called for boarding. Nicole couldn't take her eyes off her, watching until the last moment before she disappeared through the gate. Two weeks, only two weeks before she would see her again, Nicole reassured herself.

Waverly had already started looking for places for them to live before departing France. She had spotted a quaint little cottage to rent on the outskirts of a village close to Windsor. A perfect, romantic location for them to begin their new life together. She had shown Nicole the photos of the cottage, who agreed it would be a good place. For now.

As soon as her contract ended, Nicole packed her belongings and headed to England. She couldn't wait to be with Waverly, who had called several times each day checking on her, provide updates on the cottage and her upcoming interview with British Airways.

Chrissy helped them move into the cottage, bringing spare furniture to get them started. She agreed, it was very romantic, apart from the fact it had no heating. Part of a larger estate, the owners rented out various smaller buildings to pay for the upkeep of the main house. The cottage did have an open fire in the living room, where the three gathered drinking wine late into the night, laughing, telling stories, being together.

The day of Waverly's interview was upon them and she was very nervous. Nicole had been helping Waverly with her French since meeting, so she was fairly fluent. She desperately wanted the job, but she also wanted to be with Nicole. If she got the job, it would mean two weeks away each month travelling. Time they no longer wanted to spend apart, but also not so much of a strain on the relationship given the new depth they had reached.

Nicole waited at home for news. The hours ticked by and she was beginning to get anxious. Shortly after 4pm Waverly came through the door looking exhausted.

"OK?" Nicole asked, not sure if the interview went well or not.

"OK," Waverly replied, without much emotion. "I think I did enough, but who knows. At least I passed my French oral."

"Of course," Nicole winked.

Both looked at each other and laughed.

"I'll run you a bath," Nicole offered, "then we eat."

Two weeks went by and still no news from British Airways. Waverly was becoming despondent. All her plans had revolved around her getting this job. Still, if she didn't, perhaps they could go travelling together, or move to another country. It would certainly open up their options.

Nicole had left for work. She had secured a job in a French restaurant in Windsor. It was good pay, the hours were reasonable, she had a couple of evenings off each week and she could speak French in the kitchen. Her phone rang just after 11am, with a very excited Waverly.

"I've got. I've got the job. Nicole, we did it. Please don't be too late home, I need to thank you for all those French lessons."

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