“my name is (y/n). nice to meet you guys, i guess-?” she say while leaning a little to the whiteboard. everyone in the class had been hypnotized by her beauty. no, she is wearing a boy uniform or should i say she is wearing wakasa’s extra uniform. and that make her as a boy. “so you uhh...a boy..?” the homeroom teacher hesitated a little to say her fake gender, male. her feminine appearance say otherwise. her (h/c) and (s/c)..everything about her are screaming saying
that she is a girl in a boy uniform
“so, are you saying that you are close to wakasa-?” one of her classmates asked her once she sat at her new seat. nodding, she steals a glance at his empty seat. “wakasa usually spends his time with his three friends” the girl spoke once again as she slumped down on her seat, kinda feeling sad that she couldn’t stare at wakasa’s face whenever they had free time. “three friends-?” her eyes widen upon remembering last night event that occured at 3 AM
last night [ 3 AM ]
“WAKASA-!!” someone shouted from the outside loudly, making the mall scratch his bed hair and open the door that he just locked, for his and her safety. “what-?” he says while rubbing his sleepy eyes that won’t open. With a beam of smile, Shinichiro shoves a bag of plastic “what is that-?” wakasa asks once his eyelids finally stop closing on their own. takeomi and shinichiro snicker to themselves “open it” when he open the bag, he saw a lot of cigarettes boxes, making wakasa felt sick “disgusting”
without a warning, takeomi and shinichiro lit up a cigarettes for each of them and they huff out the smoke toward wakasa face, making him groan “you guys-
his words stop once he felt someone is tugging on his shirt, making him turn his head from those two toward a certain person that had a messy bed hair, rubbing her own eyes while mumbling “waka...who is that-?” maybe because of her own sleepiness, she called him with that nickname, ‘Waka’. those two stop their smoking session and their eyes widen as if their eyes could pop off from their sockets
“ WHO THE FUCK IS THAT BEAUTY-?!” both of them shout in unison as they shake his feminine look male friend harshly. poor wakasa. “AY, SHUT THE FUCK UP-!! I’M SLEEPING-!!” Finally, one of his neighbours shut those two up. “go to sleep. we have class tomorrow” wakasa said as he tried to close the door, only to be stopped by shinichiro. lucky shinichiro, takeomi help him in stopping wakasa from closing the door. “what-?” wakasa asked in an annoyed tone. “promise to tell us about her, tomorrow” wakasa grumbled for a few minute and seeing both of his friend won’t give up, he decided to be the one who give up “fine, i’ll tell you guys tomorrow” with that, takeomi release the door, making shinichiro stuck his own fingers between the door
poor shinichiro
“(Y/n) why are you awake at this hour-?” wakasa asked softly. she groaned and ruffled her own bed hairs, making it become worse than before. “I miss someone” wakasa raised his own eyebrows after hearing her own statement. “what do you mean-?” out of the sudden, she fell forward, losing her own gravity. But lucky for her, he caught her on time. carrying her to the bed, she let out a snore, making the male letting out a chuckles
[ Now ]
“Her name is (y/n), huh..?” Takeomi says as he sits between bengkei and shinichiro, munching on the bread that wakasa treats them to. It is because of rock-paper-scissors. “And she says that she is an angel” Wakasa says suddenly. shinichiro smile widely as he imagine where she wore a wedding dress walking down the aisle while he-