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That night, (y/n) didn't get enough sleep. Her eyes keep showing the scene where she punches Wakasa without stopping, hurting him. She had been punching her other half. Whining, she covers her eyes. "Close it, damn it-!" She wants to sleep, to forget about everything. To pretend that today never happened. But she can't.

"What have i done"

Standing up from her bed, she takes the frame that she had been keeping ever since wakasa left her. A frame where every black dragon's founding members plus her, smiling with each other showing peace signs while Takeomi is smoking like an old man he is. Putting it back on her table, she glanced toward her wall. A lot of recipes she had learnt ever since wakasa to cook for him right after he left her. She has changed. She did everything that she could to satisfy him, yet he doesn't ever give a shit about her struggle


"Where are you going-?" Ritsuka asks as he pants a little, clearly as if he is just chasing her from the kitchen to the front door. "To Ohayo Cafe-

"Wait-!" He shouted and held her wrist. Her eyes widened a little, squinted afterwards when she noticed the way his body trembled. "Are you trying to stop me from going there because wakasa is going to the cafe too-?" She asks, her irises turning into slits, showing that she is angry. He nod his head upon hearing her statement, still trembling

Harshly pulling away her wrist, the male gasps. "(Y/n)-?!" He shouted, disbelief. "You're not the one who decides my decision. My life, my choice" she walked away, leaving the male alone inside the house. "Please don't go…"

'Because i got a bad feeling about this…'

"Welcome-!" A boy shouted once he heard a bell jingling that had been hung right above the front door of the cafe, signaling him that someone had just entered the cafe. "Give me a cup of mineral water" the boy nodded his head and went to the back of the store, maybe to take some of the water.

"Boy..? Is he new here-?" (Y/n) is familiar with all of the coworkers of this store yet this boy, she never seen him before. Maybe he just started working here today. Ignoring her uneasiness, she takes a seat that is near the counter, waiting for the water. "Here your water" she takes the glass, poking it when she puts it in front of herself. Gulping down the water, she ask him "Are you new here-


Someone interrupted her words when she noticed someone just entered the cafe, meaning that the boy needed to do his job. A lot of footsteps followed right after the jingling sound ended. "Woah, there's a lot of customers-

Her words died down once she saw a lot of male swarmed the front door. And a girl is standing in front of those male. "Itsuki..?" She ask and she smirk. "Hi, (y/n). How does it feel to flirt with someone's boyfriend-?" She asked sarcastically. "Huh-? Since when-"

"Don't play dumb" she snap her finger and a male pull someone by their hair, harshly push them toward (y/n) only to let them fall to the floor right in front of the girl with (h/c). The person had dual coloured hair and black jacket, their body looks lifeless.


"(Y/n)... Don't drink the water…" he says while groaning as if he's enduring some kind of pain. The glass that she had been holding fell to the floor, shattered. Groaning, she put her palm right where her lips were. "(Y/n)-!" Wakasa tries to stand up, yet he doesn't have any strength to do so. He had been poisoned the same as her. Falling to the floor with a thud, the girl try her hard to stand up, only to fall back to the floor

"It's futile." Itsuki makes some kind of hand sign toward one of those men, and they approach wakasa, tying his hands and legs. "What are you-

"You need to watch this show," Itsuki said and told the other man to hold wakasa and let him look at (y/n). "Don't let him avert his gaze" she ordered. "This is what you get for flirting with other girls, waka"

"Since when do i become your boyfriend-?!" He shouts and Itsuki just smiles. "Each word that you say, will have their effect on this girl" Itsuki pulls (y/n)'s hair harshly, making her stand up forcefully. "Now then"

She snapped her finger once again and the boy that served her the water that had been poisoned, came in front of her, crouched down to her level. Pinning her to the ground, itsuki wave her hand before exiting the store

"Do what you want with her…"

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