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"(Y/n)" ritsuka called his name while helping her wash those dishes, making the girl turn her head toward the owner of the voice, humming. "Do you still gonna wait for his return-?" Ritsuka's question makes the girl turn off the water, wiping her hand on her apron.

"Of course I will," the white hair boy sighs, frowning. "I'm jealous of you. How could you still be waiting for him while I… I can't hold it anymore. I saw it, '' his eyes screamed. Screaming that he has given up on something. Falling to despair.


He slowly grips his head, feeling hot steam rolling down his cheeks while he is gritting his teeth, holding his scream. "How could she- how could she go to someone else just because i-" he fall to his knees. Hugging himself to comfort himself because he know… No one would do so

She slowly come to his side, caressing his back

"I only have tuberculosis. Why would itsuki leave me-? Please tell me, (y/n)" he sobs, slowly trembling. Her eyes widen upon hearing the disease that he have "tuberculosis…" she mumble and lower her gaze, knowing the fact that he won't live very long.

He will meet his end soon

"I'm sorry" ritsuka say once he noticed the way (y/n) is leading his toward a certain park that he doesn't familiar with. She chuckles and continue to lead him by holding his hand.
" Wakasa used to bring me here whenever I'm sad. Maybe you would be happy if i bring you here" ritsuka's eyes gleaming after hearing her words. "If only ritsuka is you. If only you are itsuki" ritsuka mumble, making the girl raised her eyebrows. "What-

Without alarming her, he kissed her

"This park sure is interesting-!" Itsuki say while skip a little step by step. The male that is walking with her smile "anything for my sugar baby" itsuki smiled upon hearing the nickname. Today, itsuki decided to spend her night with a random stranger that have a lot of money, calling him 'sugar daddy'

What a slutty act

She doesn't care about wakasa nor ritsuka. "Wakasa is rich but he don't want to spend it on me, saying it for his gang" itsuki say as she hug the random male's arm, slightly caressing his arm using her breasts. "If you are wakasa, would you spend those money for me-?" She say as she use her cute voice, making the male smirk. "Of course i will"

"Wakasa used to bring me here whenever I'm sad. Maybe you would be happy if i bring you here" itsuki's step halt upon hearing the familiar voice. Approaching the voice, she saw someone kissing someone that she know very well.

Snapping a picture, she forgot to turn off the flash, gaining both of their attention

"Oopsie, i forgot to turn off the flash" she stick out her tongue, making the random male comfused. "If i used this picture, would wakasa hate you i guess" itsuki continue her blabbering while approaching the girl. (Y/n) finally noticed the girl appearance, the one that she know very well

The one who comfort wakasa right after shinichiro's death, taking advantage of him. Using him for his money. Without thinking twice, she kicked her phone, making it fall to the floor. "WHAT ARE YOU-

she stepped on the phone, making it letting out a cracking sound. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE-?!" she shouted, ignoring the way the random male was staring at her. "You can go now, dear stranger" (y/n) say as she softly push the male's chest, making the male nod and leave those three alone

"So, what is your problem-?"

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