#stevetober Day 16: Fungus

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Enough angst for a while, take wholesomeness :D


Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Alchemy (Where Rainbow is a sought after alchemist and became Rainbow Steve via a chemical accident, yet the right side of his face is still Orange Steve)

Characters: Rainbow


There was always something peculiar about mushrooms for me. I could never figure it out for the life of me. I kneel down and inspect a little fungi group and gently poke one of the caps. It was a Dira mushroom, one of the few mushrooms that were sparkly and soft. I pick one and take out a jar, then place it inside and place the jar in my basket.

I stand back up and look around the forest, taking a deep breath of the earthy air that surrounded me. It was peaceful out here. A lot more peaceful than the village. I shift my foraging basket to my hip and inspect the contents for a moment. Falo berries- Check, Ue Grass- Check, assortment of mushrooms- Check check and check. I had everything I needed to replenish my supplies and have it last for a while.

I start my way back home and hum a soft tune, enjoying the crisp morning air. I think after I got home, I could take a well deserved nap. I finally spy my house after walking for a good twenty minutes. Ah, home sweet home! I make my way up my steps and grab my key out of my pocket to unlock my door. I loved days like this, days where I could just go out and forage and not have to worry about somebody needing me.

An oinking snout pokes through the door as I open it a fraction and I laugh. I open the door fully and Gerald runs out of the house and circles around my legs, snuffling happily.

"Hi Gerald!" I say sunnily and walk inside the house, setting my basket on the table beside the door and adjusting my goggles that had gotten askew. Gerald squeals and then runs over to my couch in my circular living room, then hops up onto it. I laugh and walk towards him as he jumps back off of the couch and runs back over to me to run circles around me again. Gerald was surely an energetic piggy today!

I get on my knees and he hops up, placing his front hooves on my legs as he snorted happily and baps my cheek with his snout.

"Gerald!" I exclaim and laugh as he peppers me with his piggy kisses, definitely happy to see me back. I put my hands under his ears and flop them up and down a bit before I massaged the area behind his ears. Gerald snorts happily, enjoying my massage. He was my pig, and I loved him more than anything in the world, not even-

A sharp rapping at my door sounds and Gerald scrambles to hide in his little hole he found under the couch. I stand up as the frantic voice of one of my only friends echoes through the house.

"Orang- Rainb- Oh screw it I'll figure it out later! Dude, I need your help!!" I dash to the door and open it to see Red Steve panting with a weird figure on his back. There was no doubt though that the crimson that covered them both was not a good sign.

"Red! Get inside and lay him on the couch! What in the realm happened??" I say as I usher my friend inside, taking note of the wound on the non-steve's back. Oh that looks bad.

"We were attacked- some figures that had masks covering their faces. Sabre tried to defend me and ended up getting hurt badly!" Red has a look of terror in his eyes as he quickly rushes over to the couch and sets the non-steve down and I shut the front door. Gerald oinks and runs out of his hole to bump against Red's leg as I grab my basket off the table by the door and run through the living room to my workspace in the back of the kitchen. This isn't good- Masked figures? I need to ask Red if it's a sword wound on his back.

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