#stevetober Day 18: King

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Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Where Sabre becomes king of the Rainbow Kingdom idk xD probs just a medieval type AU xD

Characters: Sabre, Yellow Leader, Yellow assistant


"If there are any objections to this naming of our king, speak up now or forever hold your peace," Yellow leader calls out over the hushed crowd and I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

The crowd is silent, their eyes all on me as I turn my head to look at Yellow Assistant who was carrying a crown towards me. The peridots set in the front of the crown glisten in the light that drifted down from the skylight high above me.

"Ahem, Sabre- Your highness." I quickly turn to the Yellow Leader and clear my throat in apology. I must have zoned out for a moment inspecting the crown.

"Continuing on with no objections- Do you, Sabre, swear, that as future royalty to the Rainbow Kingdom, you will protect this land till your final breath, show mercy and kindness to all Steves of this land, and rule with a just and fair hand?" Yellow Leader takes the crown from assistant and turns to face me. Ok, just like you had rehearsed with Time, Sabre. It's alright.

"I, Sabre Favre, swear on my life that I will defend this kingdom till my final breath, ensuring that peace and prosperity flows throughout the land for as long as I reign. I will treat every Steve who I encounter with the same kindness and love that has been shown to me, so help me Origin above." My voice echoes through the hall and I hold my breath, doubting if I got everything.

With a silent movement, Yellow Leader rests the crown on my head and then looks to Assistant who unlatches a sheathed sword from his waist and passes it to him.

"It is with great responsibility and honor that I crown our king today. May peace and prosperity be with us this day!" In a moment, Yellow Leader stands in front of me and kneels before me, presenting me the sword which was an elegantly designed one. Not a fighting sword to the eye, but definitely decorative. 

I nod and gently take the sword as the entire hall bursts into cheers and clapping. Accepted. That's what I felt at the moment. I was accepted.

-A few hours later during the ceremonial festivities-

"Hey, Sab- I mean, your highness!" I look to see Blue Leader walk over towards me, a smile on his face.

"Hey Blue Leader! And please, call me Sabre still- I'm not ready for you guys to all call me 'Your majesty' and stuff yet," I say with a laugh and pat the bench beside me. Blue sits down beside me and we both look over the pond in front of us. My personal guard shifts a bit under the nearby tree and I let out a stretch, my neck popping.

"Ah geez- Who knew all this royalty stuff was a pain in the butt to maintain? I mean, I'm still following through, it's just gonna take some time for me to adjust," I comment as I stare at the lapping water, the distant sounds of celebration going on at the citadel catching my ear.

"Yeah, you never was one for strict formalities. Yet, I have confidence in you. You know how to lead well, and that's what we need at the moment... I wouldn't have urged the others to go through with the crowning so quickly if you weren't able to fit the role, Sabre," Blue says and he looks over at me. I meet his eyes and give him a slight smile. I trusted Blue's judgement, but I was questioning on if I would be able to manage all of this on my own. Sure, I had Time and Light- Yet...

"You're questioning if you are fit for the role, aren't you?" Blue's voice breaks my thoughts and I hesitate, meeting his eyes again. He was giving me a gentle look. I glance back at the water and sigh, reaching up to rub my neck. Yep. He was right.

"Sabre, I know you a little too well: You don't usually skip on festivities as big as this one unless you are grappling with accepting something. Sabre, all of us leaders will be here for you as long as we can," Blue continues on and places his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently. I slightly lean into it and let out a sigh. He always had a truth to his words.

"Yeah... thanks, Blue. I just- with everything, it's gonna take me a while and i'm unsure on if i'll be ready by the time a major conflict comes up. I'm not trying to doubt what you've said- but I guess there's just a lot of uncertainty in my future." Blue reaches his arm around my shoulder and then gently pulls me in for a hug, his fluffy collar greeting me.

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