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After the incident that had happened yesterday, many students are now scared to go to school.

Parents of course questioned what had happened to their child but the school couldn't say anything about it.

The incident spreas like a wild fire and it is now on the national television news.

Many filed cases to the school, many tried to bring priest to vanish whatever the thing had done to their child.

Sunoo sighed as he closes his eyes and rested his hand onto Riki's shoulder.

"What is it, love?" Riki asked as he caress his cheeks.

"I'm just thinking about what's happening right now..." Sunoo whispered.

Riki raised his eyebrow at Sunoo's statement and cleared his throat.

"What do you mean by that?"

Sunoo gulped and shook his head as he looked at Riki who's staring at him intently.

"Are you sure?" Riki asked and Sunoo just nodded before closing his eyes and rested his head onto Riki's lap.

As Riki moved his hand to caress Sunoo's hair, he suddenly got a message from his teo hyungs.

"You're so reckless, ni-ki." Heeseung said and Riki just smirked.

"Hmm, don't you think they deserve it after years of making uncomfortable?"

"I get your point, but please don't just suddenly do that in public! At least do it when they're home or alone." Heeseung pleaded.

"You think you can pursue him, Heeseung?" Sunghoon suddenly said and Heeseung went silent.

Riki glanced at Sunoo who's reading some FanFiction on his phone.

"I'll try, Heeseung." Riki uttered.

Then he ended their conversation and focused on their loved ones.


Meanwhile in Jake's colossal apartment where he and Sunghoon is staying.

"Baby?" Jake called as Sunghoon patted his own lap, gesturing Jake to sit on it and the latter followed.

"Yes, baby?" Sunghoon answered as he stared into Jake's beautiful eyes.

Jake is contemplating whether he would ask what he wants to ask or not.

Sunghoon is patiently waiting, just staring at Jake, maybe also staring at Jake's soul who will soon to be devour.

Sunghoon internally smirked at the thought of making the aussie his for the rest pf his life.

Sunghoon is making a decision while waiting for Jake, whether to turn him into a demon just like him or...just devour his soul just like what he did to his past victims.

You might think he's heartless for what he's gonna do to Jake but wait until Riki aske himself what to do with Sunoo.

"I'm just curious..." Jake started so Sunghoon focused on what Jake is saying. "...if Riki is also a demon..." Jake whispered the last part but Sunghoon manage to hear it.

Sunghoon chuckled and pulled Jake even more closer until their upper body touched each other.

"Of course he is. What do you think he is? He suddenly appear out of nowhere, right?" Sunghoon answered and moved some hair that is covering the latter's face.

Jake hummed and rested his head onto Sunghoon's before sighing.

"Is there something wrong, baby?"

"Uh...recently I made a research about what kind of demon he is..." Jake then stopped and stared at Sunghoon's eyes who's just staring at him, listening to whatever he is saying so he sighed once again before pouting as he continue. "...I'm just worried for Sunoo, you know? I love him so much as a friend. I cared about him." Jake uttered and looked down as he felt the gaze of Sunghoon getting intense.

Then, he felt Sunghoon's grip on his waist getting tighterso he whined a bit and bit his lips.

"Hmmm." Sunghoon just hummed and licked his own lips and moved his hands onto Jake's chin to make him looked onto his eyes.

Jake was nervous, this is the second time he would asked about demons.

The first time is when he asked about Jungwon and the demon he summoned, Heeseung.

Wanna know a secret?

It was Jungwon idea why Sunghoon and Riki is here.

Y'all are surprised right?


Cliffhanger for y'all!!

Happy reading everyone!! Thank you guys so much for the almost 3k readers! I love you!!

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