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As Sunoo cries on Riki's shoulder, the latter's lust in killing someone is getting stronger.

"W-why, Riki? Why..." Sunoo sobbed as his gripped onto Riki's shirt tighten.

The demon's eyes started to glow in red and his appearance started to changed.

He is slowly transforming into his demon form.

The man who attempted an assault to Sunoo was lying unconscious because of how the way he was throwned across the room.

Riki slowly stood up as he gently lift Sunoo up because the latter fell asleep because of so much crying and because of what happened earlier.

He carried Sunoo bridal style and teleported to Sunoo's room and lay him on his bed gently and tucked him.

He stared at Sunoo, scanning his whole body and his blood lust started to grow more when his eyes landed on the latter's neck who has a hickey and it started to feel the rush of killing someone who did this to Sunoo when his eyes finally landed on Sunoo's wounded hand.

He was stabbed.

The blood dried all over his both arms.

He gently touch the wounded arm and Sunoo suddenly flinched at the sudden touch so Riki pulled his hand away and kisses Sunoo's forehead.

"I'll be back." The demon uttered before teleporting back to his apartment and called his fellow demon who responded immediately.

Riki stood there and clenched his both hands hard.

Because of the intense blood lust, he is slowly turning into his demon.

A huge black wings appeared on his back, his horns started to appear to. His fangs also showing and his nails starts to grew longer.

His eyes changed into very deep shade of red.

He wants to torture this man for the rest of his life.

Riki can do that, he's a demon.

"Your blood lust is very intense, Riki."

There, Heeseung and Sunghoon appeared behind him.

They are in human form.

"I see, our youngest transformed." Heeseung uttered and walked closer unti he is standing beside Riki who's death glaring at the man.

"Bring him to our hideout." Riki ordered and disappeared into the black smoke.

Heeseung and Sunghoon glanced at each other and look back at the unconscious man lying on the ground while his head is bleading.

"He's not dead right?" Heeseung asked as they walked closer to the man.

"Even if he dies, angels won't accept him in heaven. He's soul will come to us no matter what." Sunghoon uttered and touched the man's left leg and looked up at Heeseung who's still looking around the messy apartment. "Are you coming? We wouldn't want the youngest to throw tantrums." Heeseung chuckled at Sunghoon's statement before walking towards the latter and held his back.

And in just a snapped, they disappeared into the black smoke.

WARNING! The next part contains very gory scene. The next part might contain the mention of blood, sharp items, and curse words.

If you're not comfortable reading this part, I suggests don't read it but I won't force you.

The man who's unconscious earlier is slowly getting his senses back at his head is throwing back and fort.

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