imaginary friend - yamaguchi

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Soulmate AU (this is really random, hope you enjoy tho haha)

In the work you lived in everyone had a soulmate. You could meet your soulmate in the most random ways. Some people could telepathically communicate with them. Some could talk to them by writing on their arms. Some could dream of them. Some could hear them. Some could feel them coming. Not you tho. You didn't know how you'd meet your soulmate. You had none of the known signs.
All your childhood years you were the kid knowing for having no soulmate.
All your childhood years you were lonely. Until one day.
One day you created yourself an imaginary friend.
He was a kind boy, he had green hair and soft brown freckles. He had green, soft eyes full of admiration and the cutest smile you could imagine. He was always there for you.
Your imaginary friend was the only one you had left in the cruel world you were living in.

After another particularly rough day you came home. Throwing your backpack into a corner you threw yourself onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. You hadn't been talking to Yamaguchi a lot recently. School's been getting the best of you. You met a few nice people and they didn't judge you for not having a soulmate. You grit your teeth. ,,I have a soulmate!", you whispered out. ,,Are you trying to convince me or yourself?", a familiar voice asked. You shot yo looking around you. ,,Oi it's just me you dumbass." ,,Oh Yams it's you." ,,Yeah it's me. Come on Y/N. Don't let yourself get down. You still have me!", the boy cheered and flashed me one of his beautiful smiles. ,,Thank you Yams but..." His cheerful aura dropped and he looked onto the floor. ,,I know Y/N, I know. I wish.." you held your hand out toward the green haired male. His hand touched yours slowly. ,,I can't feel you Yams. I cant feel you." Tears started to form in your eyes. ,,Please don't cry. I love you N/N. So much even when there's no way we can be together because we're just each other's imaginary friend." You locked your e/c orbs with his green ones. ,,I love you too Yams, so much."

,,Holy shit!" You shot up and looked at the clock. ,,I must have fallen asleep.", you huffed and got out of bed. Still in your school uniform you got ready and headed downstairs. ,,Hey mum." She greeted you with a smile. You ate some breakfast fast and then went to school. The conversation of yesterday was playing in your mind. Tears threatened to fall. ,,I love you Yamaguchi."

,,Oi Y/N who are you talking to you dumbass!", Nishinoya, a good friend of mine asked. ,,No one! Don't worry about it!" ,,Did you hear that your class is supposed to get two nee students today?", he asked slumping one arm around my shoulder. You opened your eyes surprised. ,,Yeah?" Noya nodded. ,,Then let's hurry up you goofball I don't wanna make a bad impression!", you said and started racing with Noya to school. Once You got to class You sat down in your seat in the last row. You sat alone but You wee fine with it. You turned your gaze towards the white walls of the classroom and inspected them. ,,Weird, have they always been this bright?"

Before you knew the bell rang to the first period and the teacher entered two people trailing behind. Not being really interested in what was going on you focused on looking through your notes again. ,,Hello I'm Tsukkishima Kei.", you heard the first person introduce themselves. ,,Hello! I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi!" Your head snapped up at the way too familiar name. ,,Yamaguchi?", you asked loud. After realising what just happened you clasped your hand over your mouth and blushed harshly trying to hide behind the table. After a second you dated yourself to look up.

You locked eyes with an all too familiar pair of green eyes. ,,Y/N?", the boy responded quietly. ,,I thought you were just my imagination-", you whispered slowly having tears in your eyes. Yamaguchi nodded and looked at you not being able to avert his gaze. The teacher cleared his throat. ,,Since you apparently know her, please sit next to Y/N", he directed Yamaguchi to my desk. You still stared at him in utter shock.

,,And I thought you were just my imaginary friend.."

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