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You know what I realized today?
Maybe half of the people I know today won't be the same people tomorrow, maybe they won't be in my life at all, maybe I will forget them or they will forget me. Maybe all those people I know from the internet will never be my irl friends, we'll never meet and live the fanfic life.

Maybe this is all temporary and all that shit but no matter why or how, if someone makes you smile even if once, it was worth meeting them.

Maybe in the future it would have been better to not, for they have given worse things that good ones, because of mistakes you or them did, out of impulse, happiness, blind trust.

But if they made you happy once, even if for just a bit, it was worth it at that moment.

It is worth it now.

I'm sorry but I'm seeing the world in such a weird way today like I'm drunk in god knows what.


Alexa play Placebo by Straykids.


Jeongin woke up a week later with the older shaking his shoulder after he decided to sleep a bit after lunch.

He turned a bit more to groan at him, but Chan picked him up without even blinking, taking him away from the couch with a Yelp and bringing him into his room.

"What are you doing?", Jeongin hissed, hitting his head as he felt the bed under him.

Chan simply smiled, sitting down too and leaning to kiss his cheek.

"Look.", he handed him his phone. "Everyone loves it, I told you it would go well."

The younger stared at the number of views for a while, trying to ignore the few dislikes as Changbin had told him too. He went through the comments, ready to block out any negative words as well.

Changbin had been busy with him all week, and he almost felt bad for him for having to deal with his mood swings until the solo was finally released.

"Changbin deserves a prize for putting up with me.", Jeongin pouted. "I'm so sorry I worried you all, it was nothing-"

Chan kissed him, without any word.

He cupped the younger's face and melted their lips together in a soft and simply kiss, breathes itching at the surprise.

Every cell of Jeongin's body was alive, more than alive.

"You say that one more time, I am never letting you have energetic drinks again."

Jeongin whined.


"But I mean it, just because you managed to get away from it faster than what we expected-"

"The doctor said it was temporary though. I did it to myself because of self pity."

"Yang Jeongin temporary things are only temporary because we or someone else choses to end them. You fought your way out of this, and we all know it's not totally finished, it will never be.", Chan placed a hand on the younger's heart. "It doesn't matter if it takes one week or one year, everytime you fall back down, no matter how temporary it is, we will be here to help you out."

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