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evas pov
anna finally feel asleep on me my arm may be numb but i know she's safe with me so i kinda gave up with my arm being numb she started shaking i gave her a right squeeze and then she calmed back down and went back to normal breathing so i thought i should get some rest too it's getting a little late so i shut my eyes and dozed off

when i woke up in the morning anna was in the bathroom because i heard the toilet flush then the door opened and she saw i was awake so she ran and jumped right on me and hugged me so tight i finally had to say something for her to let go a little because i couldn't breathe she laughed a bit and let go

she sat besides me saying "i feel better today so let's hope this stays for awhile if not forever" she excitedly said "ok bub we'll let's do this i'm so glad you feel better" i said kissing her neck as i straddled her waist to give her a hug because i'm happy she's doing better from yesterday

i rolled off of anna and i got up to make breakfast then anna followed and just followed me everywhere when i was getting all the things to make pancakes she sat on the kitchen island to wait for me to start making them

she then hugged me from behind while i was getting the batter ready and then cooking the pancakes "anna what are you being all lovey right now?" i giggles a little while i questioned her

"i'm trying to i don't know maybe just love my girlfriend because she's the best thing ever" she dragged a little while resting her chin on my shoulder while placing soft loving kisses on my cheek making me smile internally

"anna bub stop distracting me unless you want these pancakes burnt" i said firmly to anna as she backed off the kisses "ok ev sorry i just needed to make you smile and it worked fairly easy"

anna excited exclaimed i smiled at her turning me head a little to look at her i finally got done with the pancakes anna got two plates for us so we can eat and she got the syrup, butter, forks, and butter knives out for us

"anna go sit down i got this" i said as i put my hand overs hers then she walked over the the table sit trying to help put the plates and silverware down but i stopped her from doing anything else

anna rolled her eyes then sat down "don't be giving me those rolled eyes or they'll get stuck like that" she laughed at what i said "ok so how many pancakes do you want bub" i asked "umm let's do three i'll get more if i want more" she replied "ok well here you go" i said putting three of the best pancakes then i gave myself also three

i sat down next to anna and i put the butter and syrup "ok so how about we get our families down here to la so they can meet, but only ifs that's ok with you bubba" i asked calmly "uhh ok sure that's a great idea because i'd love for them to meet if you're gonna be my future wife" she said excitedly as she put food in her mouth

i just laughed "ok well after breakfast we can each call them to see when they're both free ok?" "ok let's go" "woah woah get back here you haven't ate really much yet" "ughh fine" anna said

"ok now we can go called them since we're both done eating" i said kissing anna "ok yay" she yelled running up to our room to get our phones

i went to the bathroom to call my mom and dad she stayed in the bedroom to call her mom and step dad

i facetimed my mom because she wakes up early since canada is 3 hours ahead and it's kinda early here my phone rang twice then she picked up

e: hey mom i miss you
e/m: hey eva hun i missed you so much
e: umm mom is dad awake or around
e/m: yea he's in our room i'll go up there
my mom showed my dad
e: hey dad umm are you guys busy like around next week
e/d: no eva what's up
e: i was wondering if you and mom could come to la for like a week or two so you could meet anna in person and maybe even meet her parents
e/m: that will be great i'd love to meet me future daughter-in-law
e: yay ok so i'll buy the tickets for you and youre flight will be next week i'll text you the rest of information about the flight and thank you guys so much i love you both so much
e/m/d: ok thank you for bringing us up there i love you too eva goodbye see you soon
e: bye mom and dad see you soon

i just got off the phone and now i'll check on anna to see when her parents are going to be here

"bub how'd it go?" i asked sitting next to her "it went absolutely great they're coming next week for like a week or two like you said" she said so happily "same for me they'll be here same time for your parents too" i said back "yay great" she pulled me into a tight hug making me fall back onto the bed both of us laughing our asses off too

"how about we do something we haven't done in awhile" anna said smirking at me "bub you what sure let's go do it i've been waiting for this forever to do this again" i said excited

evanna Where stories live. Discover now