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eva pov
when i woke up i was lying down flat on my back and i was in so much pain i started screaming loudly then i saw a very unfamiliar face i tried to look around but i couldn't move

then it clicked i was in a ambulance i was just in a crash so it had to have been that

my phone is in my pocket i need to reach it so i can get anna because she's want to know so i try to speak and say "my phone anna" but i wasn't able to say it well it sounded like "phon ann" but i think they knew what i was trying to say

they rolled me over a bit which hurt a lot but they got my phone and they asked for my password i said "0326" not very well but they got it but it's annas and i anniversary date and they found anna and called her

anna pov
i woke up from my nap to my phone ringing it was my girlfriend that's weird i thought she hated me but i answered it because it's eva
*d is for doctor
a: hello
d: is this anna
a: umm yea who's this because this is not my girlfriend
d: this is the doctor taking care of your girlfriend can we get some information about her because she was in an accident
a: wait what but yea sure her name is eva cudmore and she's 18 she's about 120 pounds but not completely sure she's 5'4 that's the general stuff you need anything else doctor
d: umm that's good thank you and we're taking her to the main hospital in la so can you get here soon she's asking for you and she'll need you for sure
a: yes doctor thank you for taking care of her doctor
d: you're welcome anna goodbye
a: goodbye

i jumped out of bed and got dressed than ran straight to the car i notice pluto already in his cage i put a bone in there and some water because i don't know how long i'll be gone

i'm in the car trying not to go over the speed limit but trying to get here fast and i made most green lights so i made it over there fast

i got in i ran to the front desk and asked "where is eva shuma- i mean cudmore eva cudmore where is she!" "ok mam calm down she's in room 2948" it's on the second floor closer to the stairs" the front desk lady said "ok thank you so much" i said then i ran off quick to the stairs since it's closer

i ran so fast even fast than i ran in soccer which i didn't even know i could run that fast i finally made it up to the floor i looked for 2948 first i looked for 2900's then i looked for 2940's then i found 2948 eva

i knocked quickly then i walked in she was there she looked so beat up she was asleep i walked to her pulled a chair up and sat in it then held her hand she squeezed my hand i looked up at her and she turned her head wincing in pain so i just sat where she could look at me without turning her head

"what the hell happened eva" i said "i-i wa-was mad at-t you s-so i w-we-went for a dri-drive and the-then i cr-cra-crashed from crying s-o much" she was finally about to speak out

"eva i'm sorry for not telling you where i was i'm so stupid for that i wish i could take it back i love you eva i really do i never meant for this to happen" i said tearing up she lifts her arm wiping my tears away "bub anna.." she cleared her throat while i gave her a drink "..i'm sorry i should've gotten mad at you for it you were just trying to get food for us"

i wanted to hug her but i was hesitant to because i didn't want to hurt her "come here i don't care if i'm in pain i just need to hug you" eva said noticing i wasn't trying to hurt her so i pulled her in a hug and she whined i tried backing off but she hugged me tighter

i pulled back and she moved over a bit so i could sit next to her on the bed she laid her head my shoulder then i kissed her head and grabbed her hand to hold it and she grabbed it back and smiled

the doctor came in and said "there's a bit of bruising internally but it will resolve naturally in about 2-3 weeks but i'll keep you for around 4-5 days just to make sure it doesn't get worse it's that's ok" "yes that's ok doctor just make sure i can get out of here alive" eva said laughing a little i'm glad to see her smile

the doctor left us alone we just sat there talking about literally anything i'm glad she's ok and she didn't die

eva yawned and she snuggled into me more i laid the bed back a little so she didn't have to sleep sitting up straight then she kissed my cheek and went back to cuddling my side since she couldn't lay right

eva fell asleep so i grabbed my phone and played on it and watched tiktoks with my airpods in because i didn't want the noise to wake her she needs sleep the most right now

it's morning now they did hourly checks to make sure her vitals were ok but they didn't wake her though but it kept me up all night and i couldn't sleep because i wanted her to stay asleep so i didn't move and i was super uncomfortable the whole entire night

i felt eva move after about an hour of waiting for her to wake up "youre still here i thought you would've left to check on pluto or something" eva said stretching a little bit then whining in pain from stretching

"nope i got emma checking on him with zack i also got them to bring me a bag of my essentials to stay here with you while you recover so i won't have to leave you alone because hospitals scare me so i'm not leaving you alone" i said looking at then kissed her cheek

"thank you bub but you need to go home because i'm fine here the doctors are great i'll be fine" eva said "no eva i'm saying here for as long as you need to be here i'm not leaving you at all" i said back

"i'm hungry am i aloud to eat" eva said holding her stomach "hold on bub i can ask for you" i said slowly getting out of bed i walk out asking the desk lady on the floor "can eva cudmore get something to eat, she's just here to make sure her internally bruising doesn't get worse and she's hungry so can she eat?" "umm hold on mam let me check for you" she said back "ok thank you mam"

i walked back to evas room and laid back down with her she rested her head on my shoulder "i know you just woke up but get some more reason they'll give some food hopefully when you wake up because i want you to be rested enough to see your parents and my parents when they come in a week so goodnight i love you eva" i said to her "ok bub i love you too" eva said back shutting her eyes as she said it

eva drifted off the sleep so i just rested and watched netflix on my phone so she can sleep without me moving just let's hope to god she'll be ok i need this girl..

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