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Questions that this book gets asked out about;

Question from @ilovemashmellow12- who gets jealous the most: Eliza because all of all the girls flirting with her man

Question from @iheartjonas- who would most likely start a problem: Both

Question from @dregt4- who likes the cuddle?: Eliza more because it makes her happy, Wyatt wants to do it in private because he doesn't want to draw attention

Question from @sharkena.x.7.under- who asked out first?: Wyatt

Question from @georgelopez.madness- Ok first who initiated the first kiss? And who is shyer when it comes to public humiliation?: Wyatt initiated the first kiss. They are both shyer in public when it comes to humiliation

Question from @leavebeforeyouloveme.jonas- Which one of you gets so uptight?: Eliza is stressful and uptight while Wyatt is chill

Question from @jonasbaby- who is the baby when sick?: Eliza

Question from @thebabyformation- Who goes late at night?: Wyatt

Question from @kennyortega4- Who wakes up early?: Eliza

Question from @ilovejustinbeiber- who is the better cook?: Wyatt

Question from @dropdeaddiva0- Who is more annoying when they're sick and don't listen to anything, nobody says?: Eliza

Question from @hannahmontana.forever- who sets up dates?: Wyatt

Question from @popithater5- who loves each other the most:? Both

Question from @fidgetlover- How old were you when you fell in love?: Wyatt 15, Eliza 15. With both of each other

Question from @hatergirl- do they spend every day with each other?: Yes

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