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Gabrielle POV:

I was having another drinking game when I realized that my parents were going to kill me because it was way too late and because I was drunk.
For the last part, it wasn't my fault. I lost every game we made tonight.

So I decided to take my things and walk to the house because it was not very far.
When I entered my house I was careful not to make any noises and I went up to my room where I collapsed on the bed after closing the door.

The next day(14:00pm)

I wake up with a headache.
I decide to go take my shower and get ready before going downstairs.
When I go down I'm going to take a Doliprane and make myself a coffee.
Then I see my father arrive.
"Rejoins nous dans le salon nous devons parler." (Join us in the living room we have to talk.)
"Okay" Don't judge me, I hate when people talk to me when I wake up.

I finish my coffee and go see what they want from me.
"Je suis là" (I'm here).
"Assis toi s'il te plaît" (Sit down please) my dad said showing me the sit in front of him.
"Ta mère et moi sommes fatigués de ton comportement." (Your mother and I are tired of your behavior). "Tu vas aller dans un lycée au Texas. Pour l'instant nous n'avons trouvé aucune famille d'accueil donc nous allons te louer un studio" (You're going to go to high school in Texas. So far we have not found any host family so we will rent you a studio).
My mother was just looking at her phone while my dad was saying that. I know I am not the best kid in the world but come on! I'm still your child.

"Je ne veux pas y aller, je ne parle même pas bien anglais" (I don't want to go, I don't even speak English well) I said. "Tu prends l'avion demain. Je viens avec toi pour t'aider à emménager" (You take the plane tomorrow. I come with you to help you move in)

I go to my rooms feeling tears come to my eyes. I don't even know why I am sad. It can be great to start a new life.
People hate me at school and my parents are fed up with me.
The only thing that makes me sad is that I won't see my show family anymore. They are absolutely everything to me, without them I wouldn't be here.

I decide to write them a message

[Me: Hey guys, my parents are sending me to Texas.
Charlotte Verlaine😏🌼✨: Shit! Why? Do you need help?
Me: They said it's because of my behavior but it's just the best excuse they found🙄.
No don't worry but I want to see you before I go.
Scarlet Verlaine💅♥️: Oh fuck! When do you leave?
Me: Tomorrow...
Scarlet Verlaine💅♥️: Are your parents at home?
Me: No, they just left for their job.
Scarlet Verlaine💅♥️: We come to help you pack your bags and then we all go to my apartment. (Simone is with me)
Me: Thanks 😘]

I start to pack my things so when Charlotte (Antoine) arrived I was already done.
I come to open the door for him.
Scarlet (David) and Simone (Thomas) arrive shortly after.
We go up to my room which is now almost empty. I only have my things for the show and a few pairs of shoes left.

"Tu as presque fini." (You are almost done.) Thomas said. "Yep!" I said proud of me.
We finished the rest quickly before heading to David's apartment.
It was not a big place but it was so lovely.
We spend a lot of time here and we have a lot of great memories.

"Oh J'ai toujours ma machine à coudre et mon travail inachevé" (Oh! I still have my sewing machine and my unfinished work.) I said realizing I forgot this.
"Tu peux prendre ce que tu as déjà fini, on pourra t'envoyer le reste après." (You can take what you have already finished, we can send you the rest after.) Dave said to me.
"Merci Dave mais ça doit être ultra cher" (Thanks Dave but it must be super expensive.) I reply.

"Les shows marchent bien en ce moment, nous avalons de l'argent Gab" (Shows are going well, we have money Gab) That was Thomas.
"Je vous donne l'argent pour tout envoyer" (I give you the money to send everything.)
With that, I give them money so they can send all my stuff.
I really care about this machine and everyone knows it. That's why they suggested to do this.

"En attendant je peux essayer d'avancer un peu" (In the meantime I can try to move forward a little.) I said because we used to talk and see at the same time.

So we start to sew and talk and before I knew it, it was time for me to go.
We leave the apartment and get into David's car.
He drove me home and I said goodbye to them all, not without a few tears, then I walked into my house.

"Où étais tu?" (Where was you) That was my mom. "Avec mes amis" (With my friends) I said back
"On ne les a jamais rencontré" (We never meet them) She reply to me
"vous n'avez jamais demandé" (You never ask for).

I go up to my room and fall asleep some time after setting my alarm clock.

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