First performance

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Gabrielle POV:

I opened my phone to see...

[Hey, we are really interested in your profile, if you have nothing to do tonight you can come for a test.
Thanks, have a nice day]

Oh my god! They said yes, it's just awesome! I will finally be able to work again!
I hope I will also meet some amazing new people to work with because I feel a bit lonely here.
I'm sure there are so many great performers.

While waiting for this evening, I decide to go to the supermarket because I have nothing to eat.
But first of all I have to take a shower and change my clothes.

So I take my shower then put on Jeans with a big long sleeves t shirt.
Not the most flattering but this is just so confortable.

When I finished getting ready, it was noon.
I then went to the super market where I found everything I needed, which was basically just vegetarian stuff.

Time spent at night

After talking a little bit with the manager I realized that he was nicer than I had imagined. When we first met he seemed very cold to me, but I guess he was acting that way for professional reasons.

I left him after he told me I was going to take second. I'm pretty happy not to open because it's always stressful when you don't know the place.
Believe it or not, some managers have already let me opened their show when I was just passing through their bars.
I know that I am rather known in France but normally we put the local drags to open.

I started to get all my things out and get organized when someone called me out
"hey kiddo! What are you doing here, it's a place for adult performer" I turn to see a man who must have been in the thirties watching me "Hi, I am a performer and an adult. I'm new here" I reply.
He looked a little embarrassed to have jumped on the conclusions; I take this moment to examine him.

He was tall with a lot of tattoos and a lip piercing. His head was shaved. Despite this harsh appearance he had a gentle look and calm features that contrasted perfectly with the rest.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm krystal, nice to meet you" He finally said avoiding my gaze
"Don't worry, it's fine. I'm Ivresse, nice to meet you too" I said smiling at him.

He looked at me and a smile appeared on his face. He suddenly started to speak with a lot of energy and happiness.
We continued to talk and I was able to meet all the people who were preparing here (because apparently there were some who were preparing at their place). Everyone made me feel welcome and I already feel comfortable around them.

I make up my mind to call my drag family. It's a bit like a ritual to talk to each other before each show and I don't plan to end it anytime soon.
They answer after two rings.

[appel téléphonique
Antoine: Hey! Tout va bien Gab?
Me: Ouais, j'ai trouvé un endroit où performer. Vous allez bien?
Thomas: C'est cool! Les autres drags sont sympas?
David: Et oui on va bien.
Me: Oui, j'ai sympathisé avec quelques unes d'entre elles mais vous me manquez trop.
David: Tu nous manque aussi Gabi.
Antoine: Oui, je n'ai plus personne à embêter...
Me: Vous êtes fatigants guys. Par contre j'ai tellement de choses à vous raconter! Là je vais devoir y aller mais je vous rappelle bientôt pour tout vous raconter.]

We hang up after saying goodbye. Everyone around me was looking at me strangely.
I understand that they don't speak French but still.
It seems obvious that I'm not American with my accent.

On the other hand I see that everyone has a drink. Why don't I have any? "Where can I find a drink krystal?" I ask her because she was always next to me.
She gets up and comes back a little later with a full glass and gives it to me.
"They served it when you were on the phone," she tells me.
I thank her and soon it's time for me to go on stage.

"And now please welcome to a new artist... IVRESSE VERLAINE!" The host introduces me.
I walk over to the stage and start performing.
It's a huge club so the feeling is just incredible and there is an amazing atmosphere.

People give A LOT of tips here. It's just crazy. I think even in the biggest scene in France I didn't get that much tips.

The song ends and I thank everyone in the audience. When I walk in the backstage, krystal comes to congratulate me "Oh my god! You killed that! It was crazy. The crowd already loves you" I laugh at her good energy "Thank you, I really missed to perform that last week" I answer.

I see him looking behind me "Alyssa is coming, she's surely coming to see you since you're new here" she said
"What?" after saying that, I turn to see the one and only Alyssa Edwards.


Of course, she performs here. I'm screwed, she'll recognize me.
"Sorry Krystal but I have to go. Hope to see you soon, bye!" I said already running away from Alyssa.

If she sees me, I don't know what will happen. I am a minor even though I said I am 21 years old; she knows it's not true.
I just hope it's not too late.

I suddenly meet the ground. Who is the mother fucker who did that?!
I was about to say something when I realized it was laganja estranja. Great...
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She said looking really worried
"It's okay, I'm fine" I answered still on the floor.
She helps me get back on my feet when she realizes it.
"I'm laganja" she introduced herself
"Nice to meet you! I'm Ivresse" I give her a hand-kissing like a good gentleman. I then add "if you are looking for Alyssa she is in this direction" I show her the direction "now I'm really sorry but I have to go. Bye!" I said re starting to run.

I would have liked to have stayed a little longer but it was too dangerous. I get out of drag quickly and go talk to the manager to tell him I have to go.
He understands and offers me a last drink before I leave.

The moment passed and I got to see Krystal perform. I have to admit I was quite impressed. She is truly amazing. Of course, she has areas where she can improve, but she hasn't start doing drag since a long time.
A year she told me.

I decide to go when she finished her number.
When I come back to my apartment I text krystal to congratulate her and then I do random things before going to bed.

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