Strawberry shortcake

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An: I also added a few Demon Slayer characters to the story. More specifically, this chapter.

It was the middle of September and the weather was lovely to say the least. The cherry blossom trees complimented the sunny sky in the morning and the air was fresh. The atmosphere was so calm and refreshing as you walked to school.

At school

"What do you mean you didn't do research for the presentation Inosuke! We needed that today for Ms. Shinobu to review!", you shouted at your classmate.
"I'm sorry I forgot", he replied.
"How can you forget something so important dumbass!", you said as you wacked him on the head.
"I said I'm sorry!", he shouted back.
"Well sorry doesn't cut it!", you shouted in response.
"Guys calm down", Tanjirou said as he came between the both of you.
"Don't stress yourself out y/n it's not good for you", he also said and looked at you.
"How am I not to stress over this. We'll get zero on the presentation if we don't hand the research up completed.", you replied through gritted teeth.
"Take a deep breath and calm down, we have her class second to last period so at lunch Inosuke will do the research and give it to you to add to the portfolio to give Ms. Shinobu." He replied in a reassuring voice.
"He won't be able to do that in the lunch break, he's a total idiot. We're doomed", you said as you sat down and held your head in frustration.
"You're the idiot!", Insouke yelled.
"Shut the hell up right now!", you shouted back.
"Don't worry y/n", Tanjirou said and rested a hand on your shoulder and you looked up at him.
"I'll go with him so he'll have help and it'll speed up the process, it's all good", he added.
You smiled at him and felt a bit relieved of the situation at hand.
"Thanks Tanjirou, I can always count on you to resolve a bad situation", you replied.
He smiled at you and took his hand off of your shoulder.
"Leave me alone Zenitsu I said I won't go out with You!", you heard someone shout from the other side of the class.
You and Tanjirou both turned your direction to the commotion and saw that Nezuko was shouting at Zenitsu, rejecting his offer to take her out on a date.
"That's the 3rd time this week and it's only Monday, when will this guy give up?", you said.
"I'm not sure", Tanjirou sighed.

Lunch break

At lunch you sat with Himiko and Akari in the lunch hall like you usually would.
"No because why would she even wear an orange dress with green shoes? It really doesn't coordinate well", Akari said, referring to one of their classmates that think she's better than everyone but somehow always seems to wear bad outfit choices and call it 'a fashion statement'.
"Yeah and if you say anything bad about it she'll be like "iT's A fAsHiOn StAtEmEnT" statement my ass, when I saw she posed that on Instagram I told her that she looked like an upside-down carrot", you replied.
Akari started to laugh, "no way really?", she questioned though her laugh.
"Yeah someone had to humble her", you replied and Akari kept on laughing causing you to laugh as well.
"Guys that's not nice", Himiko said.
"Well so isn't she", Akari said and the both of you started laughing again.
"You guys are bitches you know that right?", she replied.
"Yeah but you love us so", you replied.
"You're right", she replied.
"Exactly", you said.
"Her outfit was bad if I must admit", Himiko then said and the three of you started laughing altogether.
"Like how can you be a bitch to everyone and think you're better than them but dress like you found your clothes at the mad hatter's house", Akari said, all of you still laughing.
Tears were starting to form in your eyes from laughter.
"And to top it off sh-", you were cut off when someone walked by your table and said your name.
"Hey y/n", they said.
"Hm?", you turned your attention to them.
"This guy is asking for you, he's outside the cafeteria in the hall, I told him you'd probably be here like you usually are", they replied.
"Huh? Who could that be?", you raised your brow and got a bit confused.
"Thank you Hajame", you said to the boy.
"No sweat", they replied and walked off.
"I'll be right back guys okay?", you said to Akari and Himiko and got up from your seat at the table.
They nodded in response.
You then made your way to the cafeteria exit.
'I wonder who could be asking for me', you thought.
You then exited the cafeteria and took a few steps into the hallway, and saw two familiar people standing in the hallway, one with their back faced to your direction and the other facing you.
"Oh there she is", one of them said and the other turned around.
"Chifuyu? Baji? Why are you guys here?", you said in confusion.
"There were bees in school so the principal had to call an exterminator and send everyone home early." Chifuyu replied.
"Oh, but why are you guys here though?", you replied still confused.
"Baji wanted to see you", Chifuyu said and Baji elbowed him in the chest.
"What was that for?!", Chifuyu said to Baji.
You noticed that Baji had a paper bag in his hand, a pink one.
"Matsuno!", you then heard someone call out to Chifuyu and the three of you turned your direction to see who it was.
"Oh my gosh! You're at my school and didn't even look for me!?", the person whined.
It was a girl, you didn't know her name because she was in a different class from you.
She then latched onto his arm.
"This is unforgivable", she said and pouted.
"Please forgive me Yuki", Chifuyu said to her and patted her on the head.
She then started to smile, "I forgive youuu Matsuno, now, walk me back to class please", she replied.
This girl was a simp for Chifuyu.
"Okay okay fine, excuse me guys", he smiled at the both of you then they left, her still latched to his shoulder.
"What just happened?", you said confused.
"Not sure", Baji replied.
"You really missed me huh? To show up at my school like this", you said and smirked at Baji.
"Maybe I did", he replied.
You felt your face start to slightly heat up.
"You're such a simp for me admit it already", you replied teasing him.
"Not yet", he replied.
'Not yet? Not yet to being a simp for me or admitting it?', you thought.
He then walked closer and raised the bag up to you.
"I brought this for you, I thought you'd like it, well you better like it- or I hope you do.", he said to you giving you the pink paper bag.
You took it.
"Oh", you said and looked into the bag.
"Strawberry shortcake? I love Strawberry shortcake oh my gosh there's even a box of Strawberry pockey and mochi?!", you said happily.
"But how did you-", you were cut off when he spoke.
"You told me remember?", he replied.
You remember you did tell him that but that was when you were talking about your favorite things to eat, you were shocked that he even remembered.
"You remembered?", you replied shocked.
"Yeah why wouldn't I?", he replied and scratched the back of his head and averted his eyes from your gaze, there was also the faintest blush on his face from feeling embarrassed.
You felt your cheeks start to heat up.
You internally squealed.
"Thank you", you replied.
"It's nothing really", he said and nervously scratched the back of his head.
Just then Chifuyu came back from where he went.
"Anyways we should get going, you'll have class soon", Baji said and walked closer to you and lightly tapped your forehead with the both his index and middle finger (like itachi did sasuke), "have a good day okay?", he said to you.
You felt your cheeks start to heat up again.
"Y-you too", you stuttered out and internally cursed yourself for doing so.
"See you around y/n", Chifuyu said.
"See ya", you said with your cheeks still feeling hot.
They then left.
You then turned around to head back into the cafeteria and saw Akari, Himiko and Nezuko all peaking out at you. They were watching since you left the cafeteria.
You stood there dumbfounded.
They all then started to squeal.
"That was soooo cute", Akari squealed out.
"I know right", Nezuko replied.
"Y/n's got a boyfriend", Himiko teased.
"H-he's not my boyfriend!", you replied your cheeks feeling hot again.
"Mhmmm I hear ya", Akari replied.
"I can't wait for the wedding", Nezuko said and clasped her hands together and held it by her cheek as she was in awe.
"Me toooo", Himiko replied.
"They're gonna have tons of babies too", Akari said.
"Shut up all three of you!", you said through heated cheeks from embarrassment and pouted.
You then walked past them and went back into the cafeteria.
"You guys are the worst", you pouted.
They all giggled at how cute you looked being embarrassed and all.

The bag consisted of Strawberry shortcake, a box of pockey and a clear container that had three pink Strawberry mochi in it. You then sat down at the table and so did the other girls.
You then smiled at how cute what he did for you was.
"Thinking about him huh?" Akari said and smirked at you.
"Shut up already", you said and rolled your eyes.
The three girls then started to giggle again.
You smiled.


Ring size?

Baji 🖤
I'll send the measurements to you

Since when could you spell such big words?

Baji 🖤
Auto correct- 😭


Baji 🖤
😭shut 😭up 😭

Idk dawg make me?

Baji 🖤
Maybe I will

Naughty boy 😏


Wtf 😭

Baji 🖤

Anyways I knew I said this already but thank you for the deserts, it tasted pretty well too :)

Np, did it make you smile though?

Yessir 🥰

Baji 🖤
Nice :)
Tryna maintain that smile

Aww bae you're so cute 😩🙏

Baji 🖤
Nah that's all you 😏

Shii okay 😏

How was school today?

It was great because this hot guy brought food for me 🥰

Baji 🖤

I- you're so slow 😭

Baji 🖤
How? 🤨


Baji 🖤
I probably am slow 💀

You think 💀
Anyways imma ttyl I have homework to do

Baji 🖤
Can I FaceTime you later?

Sure :)

Baji 🖤
Nice :)
Bye Y/n ❤

Bye ❤

Baji 🖤
Bye ❤

Quit doing that bro 🧍‍♀️🔪

Baji 🖤
Never 😈❤

That's you and I'm driving the bus

Baji 🖤
Run me over then 😩

Brooo 😭😭😭😭 bet 😩🙏
I really need to go though cya

Baji 🖤
Bye ❤

Seen 4:00 pm

Anyone else want what these mfs have? Just me?🧍‍♀️ Okay bye 🏃‍♀️💨
Remember to vote on chapters :)
Stay hydrated and pretty <3

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