The first time

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"Ally, you better start getting ready we're leaving in an hour!" I heard Julie call from the bathroom where she was putting on her makeup.
I let out a little sigh, and put the book I was reading down on her couch.
"Julie! I think I might stay in tonight! I'm exhausted from mid terms and I have to work tom"
She cut me off mid sentence, I turned my head when I heard her voice get closer. My eyes moved to find her standing at the bathroom door looking at me with the curling iron still wrapped in a piece of her thick brunette hair, "Oh no way! You've stayed in every weekend! It's spring break! You passed your mid terms! Treat yourself!" She yelled back.
I know she's right, I've stayed in probably too much this semester; even when I wasn't working to make sure I studied enough to pass my classes. I was in my last semester I had to make it to the finish line and graduate so I could start working a better paying job and get my own place as soon as possible.
I transferred here to USF at the beginning of the year from a community college back in Kansas where I grew up. I didn't have any friends when I first got here, Julie was the first friend I made; we've been inseparable since. She's been letting me stay here with her for a few months since my old room mate split at the end of our lease and I wasn't able to afford a place on my own yet. I couldn't afford to live on campus either like she could, So until I could make more money she was letting me crash in her dorm with her.
She's always been the "fun" friend pushing me out of my shell. I'm more of the studious and quiet type. I've been this way ever since I was a little girl. We make a good team her and I; we balance each other out.
"I know but I'm tirrrred' I responded letting out an exaggerated yawn while I stretched my legs out over her couch. I really do feel exhausted, I worked last night serving at her family's restaurant, then took all of my mid terms earlier today. I was happy I had the night off from work and could just relax Since I've been stressed all week. I have a date with the jacuzzi hot top in the bathroom and a glass of red wine later.
I heard Julie put her curling iron down and walk over to me, Parking herself in front of the television, with her arms crossed at her chest.
"Sleep is for the weak Bitch! You're coming! You promised me last week! Go tonight and I won't ever ask for anything else ever again!"
That was doubtful, she asked me to go out with her every weekend when we didn't work.
"Nope." I said quickly with a smirk on my face. I knew what was coming next.
She put her palms together walking closer to me then got on her knees, "Please, please,please come with! I'm going with Cameron and I don't want to go alone just incase Markus shows up!" She pouted her lip at me making me laugh at her. I liked that she was never serious, it kept things light. She had this way of brightening even my harshest moods.
Cam was one of our best friends from Campus, he's been friends with Julie ever since she was a little girl, I met him last year when I started classes. He's easily the nicest & easiest going guy I've ever met. He was there for Julie when she and Markus, her ex boyfriend broke up, ironically they sort of broke up because of Cam. Markus was extremely jealous of their close friendship, he always felt there was more going on between them when there wasn't. I know it hurt Julie to have to leave him, but I made sure she knew I was proud of her for not abandoning her life long friend over a guy. Markus could never accept them being friends and it wouldn't have been fair to Cam if she just ditched him after so many years of friendship. I already knew the reason her being persistent about me tagging along tonight. She wanted me to go so Markus wouldn't see them there together and leave him thinking she was on a date with him alone.
I can't leave her hanging with this, I know she really misses Him. She kept the puppy dog pout on her face not letting up.
Damn her and her boy trouble.
"Alright I'll go, but I need to be in by two please. I have to get some sleep I go in at four tomorrow."
She popped up from the floor she was sitting on in front of me with a smile spread across her face, clapping he hands together rapidly, "Yay! Thank you!...We're going to have a fun time tonight! If you want you can even be D-D." She said looking at me with a smirk.
Like I had a choice in the matter! I don't drink and she does!
"Yeah yeah, whatever floats your boat sister. Just let me borrow something to wear." I got up from the couch stretching my arms and back out the rest of the way. I was currently dressed in an old T-shirt and a pair of loose sweats; I'd have to shower and do my makeup before we went out. I wasn't someone who had to wear makeup every day, I was fine going outside without it but if we went out to some place nice I usually put some on. I did it for myself mostly, I wasn't really trying to impress anyone else, or get into dating. I was seeing someone a few months ago, I wasn't really feeling it; he was a little too clingy and I had too much on my plate to juggle a relationship right now. I decided then it's best if I just stuck to myself.
"Don't worry, I went shopping yesterday, I have the perfect dress for you to wear! I was going to wear it but I definitely think you'd fill it out better!" Julie grabbed my hand dragging me to her bedroom...

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