Walk of shame

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I woke up to the familiar sounds of birds chirping and the warm sun hitting me through the window. I was comfortable, stretching my legs and let out yawn. I was exhausted, and wanted to lay on this cloud forever but I figured I should get up to start the day.
My eyes opened and my stomach dropped.
"Fuck" I said lowly. I hopped out of bed quickly realizing where I was. I panicked for a second then looked over and found my purse and my heels set neatly on the night stand. Thank god they were there.
Memories of last nights drunken stupor quickly flooded my brain. I was at Drew Burke's house. And I kissed him! I felt like slapping myself. How was I going to explain any of this to Julie?
I grabbed my stuff, leaving my heels in my hand instead of putting them on, they would just slow me down. My phone was dead sitting in my purse. How convenient. I'd have to figure out how I was going to get a ride home once I got out of here.
I fixed myself in the mirror hanging on the closet. I looked over at the wall and the memories of my kiss with Drew swept me.
Where did I get the balls?  I thought to myself.
I cheered silently remembering how he picked me up and forced me against the wall, and how he rubbed his hard on against me causing me to moan. I remembered how good it felt and how it felt like electricity ran through my veins.
God I moaned, how embarrassing.
The memory of the napkin with that girls name on it dampened my spirits.
I was stupid, and that's what I get for kissing
Him first! Should I have expected anything less from him knowing his reputation around campus? Thank god I found that napkin, who knows what would've happened had I not. He probably would've deflowered me and never spoke to me again. It was most definitely a blessing in disguise.
I pushed the thoughts of him out of my mind and walked towards the bedroom door, I opened it quietly so that I wouldn't disturb him if he was still sleeping. I carefully walked out, practically tip toeing my way through his living room.
I was surprised, his house is nice. His wood flooring and white walls matched his beige couches perfectly. I walked through the kitchen and got a good look at all of his silver appliances everything looked practically knew. It was kept super clean, there was a basket of assorted fruits on the counter and he had a table for four set with place mats in his dining room. Hard to believe a grown man lived here by himself.
Oh god what if he doesn't?!  I thought, freaking myself out.
I felt super weird being here now, I picked up my speed and practically ran towards his front door opening and closing it shut behind me. Thank god I got out of there without seeing him, that would've been awkward.
My body relaxed as soon as I got out into the fresh air, I recognized this neighborhood. Cam lived out here! I could walk to his house!
How ironic, they're brothers who live right down the road from each other and I've never heard of Cam talk about him once since I've met him months ago nor did he ever say he had family that lived in town!
I was going to grill him and Julie once I saw them!

I began my pursuit towards Cams house, and felt even more embarrassed with every car that passed. My dress was short and I was carrying my heels, they probably thought I was a hooker in my off hours or I was doing the walk of shame.
I mean I kind of was, in a way.
How was I going to explain what happened to them! I made out with Cams brother and stayed over his house after meeting him less than 24 hours ago! They would never believe me if I said I didn't have sex with him.
I hope no one else knew about this, I would be known as one of his conquests.
My body shivered at the thought of that. Sounded so dirty.
After about 10 minutes of walking and stubbing my toes on the cement side walks what felt about five hundred times I arrived at Cams house, his car was parked in his drive way. I silently praised Jesus about that. Made my life so much easier.
I knocked on the front door, but there was no answer. It was probably still too early for him to be up. I put the pin he gave me into the key pad on his front door and opened it calling out his name.
"Cam! Are you here!" I yelled!
I heard a door open from upstairs,
"Oh my god Ally is that you!" I heard him yell as he came down his carpeted hall and then down the steps.
He pulled me in and embraced him in a big hug as soon as he was in reach of me. When he pulled alway he started grilling me,
"Where the hell were you! We thought you left the club and went back to Julies or something! We went to go look for you! We tried calling you and everything!" He sounded really worried.
"I know I'm sorry, I was super drunk, I went to go dance and then you guys were gone. My phone died or I would've called!" I said trying to ease his mind.
He pulled up and then looked at me, his brow furrowed in curiosity.
"Where did you stay last night?"
Oh god.
"Well, uhm." My stomach flipped at the thought of
Telling him, I was worried how he'd react. I didn't want him to be mad at me.
"At your brothers." I said closing my eyes so I didn't have to see his reaction. He didn't say anything and when I opened mine I saw his eyes go dark.
"Tell me you didn't do anything with him last night. I swear to go I'll kill him myself!" He roared. I never saw him agitated like this.
My eyes went wide.
"Oh god no! He helped me actually. I was out on the bench waiting for my Uber that never came. I was drunk I don't think he really knew were to bring me. I remembered he tried to call you guys but couldn't get ahold of you. He brought me to his house and let me sleep in his guest bedroom. I don't know what would've happened if he didn't show up! Jarret was there he got him away from me!" I purposely left out the part of me practically jumping on him. I hope he never says anything to anyone about that. I wasn't like that normally.
Cams agitated look on his face softened once I told him what happened. He texted his brother and thanked him for keeping me safe last night. That gave me anxiety. I wonder if Drew would tell him about the kiss.
Cam let me charge my phone and gave me a ride back to Julies Dorm. Security was all over the place. I had to call her to come down to the lobby to sign me in. Usually I could just walk right through. Apparently the university caught word of roommates switching dorms which was against policy so they'd implemented a new system to make sure people were where they were supposed to be.
This didn't sound good, I don't know how I would be able to pull off living with Julie for the rest of the semester. I'd better start looking for another place now.
Julie slammed the door to her dorm hard,
"Bitch you better tell me what happened! Cam told me you ended up at Drews!" Her eyes were wide in suspense waiting for me to respond.
I recanted the whole story about what happened at the bar including the part about Jarret, she apologized multiple times for leaving me and said the same thing Cam did, they made a mistake thinking I left.
"So did you guys do it?" She looked me dead in the face with a smirk. She made me laugh, her hair was in a crazy looking messy bun and her pajamas didn't match. She looked like she slept hard.
I wanted to lie and say nothing happened, but I couldn't. I had to tell somebody about what did happen. Just incase rumors were to start flying around.
I let out a sigh.
"No we didn't do it." I stated firmly, and her smirk fell.
"But" I started as she cut me off, the suspense was killing her I could tell.
"Oh my god! Tell me!" She giggled jumping on the couch onto her knees with a pillow beneath her arms for support, sounding like a high schooler.
"I kissed him." I stated gritting my teeth, waiting to see her response.
"That's it?" She said, her face fell. Surprising me.
I paused for a moment while I looked at her with a grin deciding to spill all the juicy details about the kiss.
"Oh my god! He put you up against the wall! That's hot!" She exclaimed smiling.
"Yeah, and then I found a napkin in his pocket with a girls name on it and stopped everything!" I stated. She looked angry now.
"Oh my god, that sleaze ball! I should've known he was going to do this to you! I thought he would've grown up! I only introduced you two because I know you needed to have some fun!" She exclaimed.
Out of my own curiosity I decided to ask.
"Why didn't you or Cam ever mention he had a brother? He lives right near him I never once saw Cam even stop there or anything."
She looked confused and her eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh I just assumed you knew! But  if no one ever told you you might not have guessed since they had different last names! They're half brothers different dads, same mom. As far as Cam never going over there, they meet up at the gym all the time. He stops over there sometimes but I think they hangout else where. Really I'm surprised you didn't know!"
Her explanation made sense, I guess I really do live under a rock.
"But anyway, I'm sorry we left you there and you were subjected to his whore like tendencies. I'll make sure he never does this again." She said. Her words relived me and at the same time sent a chill down my spine. I know it's probably for the best, but the thought of him touching my body and kissing me again made me want to replay the night over in my head. All the way up to the napkin part of course. I pulled my mind out of that bedroom at his house.
"No it's okay, seriously. I shouldn't have looked away I was DD to begin with. And he was there to get Jarret away from me, hopefully he gets the hint and leaves me alone for good!" I said with firm tone.
"Oh right, you said he was there! Thought you stopped talking to him months ago?!" She asked curiously.
"I did, I guess he thought last night was perfect timing to try again. For like the third time! He got weird though, he grabbed he and tried to grind against me." Our faces both scrunched at the same time in disgust. I went on a few dates with Jarret after I moved here, Julie had set me up with him. He was a really nice guy but I wasn't feeling it. We had no connection and I felt it right away. I let him go softly but he still lingered around like bad breath. The last time he approached me at work I had to get firm and set limits with him, I deleted him off my social media, but I guess he wasn't getting the hint from that either. Drew said something to him last night, I don't know what it was, maybe he'd listen to that. At this point he was more of a creepy annoyance than anything, nothing I had to worry about I don't think.

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