Chapter 6 Home...

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"HEY! WHO ARE YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE! I'LL CALL THE POLICE!" The person stepped out of the car and started yelling at you. The engine still runs. It is Sean's brother who just came home. And saw a strange person standing in front of his house at night. Very suspicious of course.. You don't know what to do. You just stand there in the light of the car, completely shocked. You can't see his face clearly. he starts walking towards you. In a reflextion of pure fear, you run away as fast as your legs can carry you. "HEY!" you hear him yelling behind you. You keep running. You reach the forest. As you run in, a few branches hit your face but you don't pay attention to it. You just keep running. Through bushes, over roots, past trees, you keep going. A few birds fly away as you run past them.
Suddenly, your foot gets stuck under a root which is a few inches above the ground. You fall. You feel the dirt and fallen leaves in your face. You lie there a few seconds catching your breath. You feel something a little itching on your face. A few ants have climbed up on your nose and to your forehead. You quickly wipe them of your face with your hand. You look behind you to see if you are followed. You aren't. The only thing you see is grass and trees. You sit up and crawl to the nearest tree.
You sit under it. The branches of the trees all around you move slightly as the cold wind blows through them. It is completely silent. The only things you hear are your own heart beat and breath. You rest the back of your head at the tree trunk and look up in the sky. You see the big bright moon and a lot of stars. A lot more than you used to see when you looked out your window at home. Home... You think about your parents, little sister and your pets. You feel the first warm tear running down your cold cheek. Not long after that, more tears fill your eyes and you cover your face with your hands. You start crying out loud. No one can hear you anyway..

Maybe you think "this fanafic isn't about Jack at all!" But it is. This is just the beginning and Jack will come in the story soon! :)

Thank all of you so much for a total of 2K reads!! ~Jacksepticeye_ (not the real Jack as you probably all know)

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