Chapter 2

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The next day, Katara was helping Sokka find his worksheet on 'Past Fire Lords' and Toph was already in the classroom. Aang was waiting near the doorway for Katara to meet up with him, but Wen Li approached instead.

"Hello, again," she said, trying her hardest to bat her eyelashes in a suggestive manner. She held a book close to herself by crossing her arms over her bosom and contracting her chest. It must've been an attempt at looking shy. "I never got your name yesterday."

Aang leaned against the wall, looking over Wen Li's shoulder at his best friend arguing with Sokka.

"Kuzon," he said simply in reply.

The school girl nodded.

"So, are you really with that girl?"

Aang blinked, quite confused, before realization kicked in.

"Oh... yeah."

She rolled her eyes playfully and giggled.

"She quite possessive, don't chya think?"

Aang peered over at Katara once again, and Wen Li must've noticed. She whipped her head around and watched the siblings fight, sighing deeply.

"It's her looks, isn't it?" she inquired, dropping her head ever so slightly.

Aang tried focusing back on the girl in front of him but had trouble.


"Why you like her. Because she's pretty, right?"

Aang hesitated. It was a strange concept. He wasn't really with Katara, but if he admitted all of his feelings for her in front of the whole classroom it wouldn't even make it slightly awkward. Even if it was true to him and them, Katara, Sokka and Toph wouldn't suspect a thing. They wouldn't know that's really how he felt.

"No," he said, finally deciding it didn't matter, "It's everything about her. Her voice, her motherly compassion, her kindness, her intellegence, her presence, her-"

"Okay, okay, I get it. But would you ever consider someone else?"

Aang's brow furrowed and Katara walked up to them, an unpleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach seeing this girl talking to her Aang.

"Hey, sweetie," she said, pausing before kissing him on the cheek. He blushed at the name and the affection, although she'd kissed him like this before they were 'together'.

Aang took this moment and swooped his arm around her waist again.

"I'll see you later, Kuzon," the fire nation girl said with a disatisfied look on her face.

He nodded and tried to keep his eyes away from Katara, who had a smirk on her lips as Wen Li sulked off.

"What was that for?" Aang asked Katara, watching her brilliant eyes pierce into the other female's back.

She looked at him.

"Just to get her away. Like I said before, you can't let anyone get too close to you. It could ruin your whole identity!"

Aang wasn't complaining. It just gave him an excuse to do some of the things he'd wished he could do for a while now.

There could be benefits to this.

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