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I roam around the train station, taking in the surroundings like I have before a hundred times—it's different though, this time. Because this time, I'm not looking at the train station in hopes that somehow the years go by faster and I can also board a train to the legend, Hogwarts which Eleanor and Jacob almost always rave about. They don't do it to make me feel sad that I can't go to Hogwarts — At least, Jacob doesn't — Eleanor has always been the odd one out in our family. In a good way, of course. Like our father, she was sorted into Gryffindor whereas Jacob got sorted into Hufflepuff, like Mum. Eleanor is in her third year this year, and Jacob is in his sixth year — he's a prefect and there's an incredibly high chance that he might become Head Boy, Mum says so.

At the risk of sounding like a goody-two-shoes, I'll say this — I always listen to Mum. I can't help but, she's almost always right! Not to mention, she was the Head Girl herself in 1973 so she probably knows how Hogwarts works. Jacob says it's a beautiful place, especially the Sorting Ceremony — it's a wonderfully anxious time when you sit on that stool and the hat is placed on your head as you think of all the houses at Hogwarts and wish you don't get sorted in the wrong place, That is before he hastily corrects himself, seeing Mum's poorly hidden glare and says that there is no wrong house and all houses are wonderful in there own way. By then, Eleanor interrupts him and begins yet another tirade on how he's such a Hufflepuff and so stupid, because there is a wrong house, and it's Slytherin — the worst house one can get sorted into. She says that it's home to all the disgusting and dark wizards ever. I don't know how to respond to that, even though it's happened a hundred times.

Thankfully, whenever such a point comes up in our conversation, Mum reprimands Eleanor by saying how she's wrong and being very insensitive and that there are no bad houses, and every house is wonderful. The same thing happened at breakfast right after I got my owl, indicating my Hogwarts letter. It would be safe to say that there were absolutely no limits to the joy I felt at that moment. Even though I've had many accidental magic outbursts, I was afraid that I wouldn't get my Hogwarts letter, after all — Seeing as Eleanor and Jacob both got their minutes within turning 11 and I had gotten mine hours after midnight.

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