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       The tooting of the horn, combined with the wisps of smoke coming out from the train made my previous excitement bulge

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       The tooting of the horn, combined with the wisps of smoke coming out from the train made my previous excitement bulge. It was finally here, I was finally going to Hogwarts. Again. I'd gone to Hogwarts last year but this year, it was my first year being a second year student. I'd make the rather debatable mistake of mentioning this to Eleanor, who'd just laughed and called me strange, and whilst I did know that I was unique, Mum had drilled that thought into my head whenever Eleanor and I fought, and in her anger, Eleanor would blurt out about how I was such a freak—and how she was sure that Dad loved her the most and not me because Eleanor was a Gryffindor, and I was, despite being a Hufflepuff, weird, politely put. Eleanor had, of course, not bothered with politeness—instead calling me a freak directly and saying that she regretted that I was her sister—I remembered that my eyes had immediately filled with tears. Eleanor and I fought all the time, and she called me strange and said that she hated me many times, but with playfulness and a hidden fondness in her eyes, but that time—it had been absent. And I'd craved that fondness she displayed so many times whenever I asked a silly question or said a stupid thing. Instead, however, it was simply not there—the fumes of her anger instead putting themselves on display on her pretty blue eyes.

The same anger that had been present in Mum's eyes when she heard what Eleanor had said, or rather, when Jacob had told her what had happened—Mum had asked Eleanor to apologize and she had. Not in the way Mum had been expecting, because she had shouted at Eleanor for a long time after Eleanor had hurriedly muttered a 'sorry' and had said 'I still hate you' right after. While Mum had reprimanded her, Jacob had gently taken my shoulders and guided me to my room—perhaps in hopes that I wouldn't hear but the attempt had been futile and I don't say it to be mean, I really did (and still do!) appreciate Jacob's attempt but it was just that Mum's screams had been loud. Very incredibly loud. And she sounded very much angry too. Eleanor had also been angry, I supposed because she had interrupted Mum and screamed loudly herself,

"Everybody knows you love her the most, but the least you could do is not make it obvious." And she'd ran to her room then, because I had heard the echoing of her footsteps as she stomped, angrily, I supposed because the noise was so prevalent but even if she had been quiet, I suppose it would have been for nought—because my room was right next to Eleanor's. I'd thought of going to her room and apologizing but then decided against it, because despite the fact that I really wanted to apologize to her, I knew that she would simply get mad at me and tell me to get out—and even if she didn't, It was embarrassing and I didn't want to face that embarrassment. I suppose I'm a coward but I really hope that despite that fact, Dad still loves me from his own house where he lives, in heaven because I don't know what I'd do if he didn't.

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