The Arrival

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The kingdom's gates were crowded. There were people yelling and throwing things at each other and a strong smell of sweat could be felt. They were waiting. Some had been waiting for days. There was a small girl all covered in mud with greasy dirty-blond hair wearing a plain beige dress and a white bandana, sitting quietly against the kingdom's wall while biting her nails. There was also a sick old man coughing and begging the guards to give him a sip of water, who refused and turned their backs on him.

Merlin, a skinny, tall lad with big ears and teeth as white as pearls, had journeyed all the way from Ealdor, his village, and was so tired his toes ached and his back hurt from carrying his bag. He was a sorcerer, the best from his village. Actually, the only one. His hair was as brown as a bear's fur and his eyes were emerald green, but sometimes they had a faint glimmer of gold in them. He wore a blue linen shirt with a belt around it, brown linen trousers and a light brown jacket, and finally, a bright red bandana around his neck as a final touch.

He arrived at the immense crowd. It was so big he could barely see the gates. He pushed his way through the crowd until he got closer. He stood on his tiptoes to see better, but all he could see were the guards' backs. He then saw the little girl. She looked different from the other people. She was quiet. He pushed his way to her and sat right beside her, leaving his bag right next to him.

"Who is this beautiful lady sitting here?" he asked trying to imitate a noble's educated accent.

She looked at him with her gleaming kind green eyes, "Mary, is my name." she answered imitating him, "and who might be this young knight?"

Merlin laughed a little and sat up straight, "My name," he said, "is Sir Merlin, my Lady."

Mary giggled and Merlin smiled back.

"So," Merlin continued, now in a serious tone. "Why are all these people here?"

Mary's expression darkened. "You really have no clue," she said looking straight into his eyes. "Do you?"

Merlin was confused. He felt a chill and his stomach ached a little. What happened here?

"I really don't, Mary." he answered in a small voice.

"The execution is today", she said seriously, "they caught Dorphea's brother."

Everyone knew who Dorphea was. She was the most powerful witch of the four kingdoms. One of three Druid sisters. Since King Uther Pendragon made magic illegal, she had been the most wanted by Camelot's forces. She had a brother, the folk said, but Merlin didn't believe it until now.

"Who is that?" he asked astonished. "So it's true she has a brother, isn't it?"

"Yes." she answered. Mary pulled up her left sleeve, revealing a three spiral symbol. The Druid symbol. She pulled down her sleeve again.

"Druid." Merlin said in a whisper.

Suddenly, they heard a loud sound of metal screeching. They both turned their heads. The gates were opening and the loads of people were entering the citadel.

"You should go now." Mary said and stood up. "You won't want to miss the execution."

"Wait." said Merlin and stood up. She was so tiny, Merlin had to look down to see her. "Where will you go? I can help you find somewhere..."

"Don't worry about me." she interrupted with her small voice. "I'll go find my people. I always have a place to go to."

Merlin tried to hug Mary as a tear fell from his eye, but she backed off. "I must go now." she said walking away, "This isn't the last time we see each other, Emrys." she smiled and left.

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