7 - Life & Death

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There he was, sleeping so peacefully.

Drev of the mountain tribe. Kira's own husband, a husband not of her choosing and yet...

Kira stood by the bed they shared, her heart pounding as she stared down at his face. So calm, so handsome.

She adjusted her grip on the knife in her hand, palms wet with sweat. Seven nights had passed. Tonight was the night the Five planned to murder their husbands and return home.

Kira didn't want to let the other girls down. More importantly, she wanted to be free. She wanted to find her family; it was her hope that her mother might still be alive. She wanted to see her home again, she wanted to take control of her life, she wanted once again to be the Kira she used to be, before all this happened.

All she had to do was kill Drev. The man who had taken everything from her.

It would be so easy. All she had to do was pierce his heart. Cover his mouth so no one would hear his screams.

And yet, she found herself frozen in place. Her body was trembling, and she tried to convince herself that it was from the cold.

You can do this, Kira. You must do this! Think of everything this horrible family has put you through! Now, it's time to prove that they can't get away with such cruelty.

Kira lifted her hand, the blade glinting as it caught the moonlight. In moments, it would be drenched in blood. In moments, Drev would feel his life slip away. His family would mourn and curse and scream... but by then, Kira would be long gone with the other girls (or at least die trying).

What am I waiting for? Why can't I do this??

Kira closed her eyes, drawing a breath. Then at last, she tossed the knife aside, and it clattered loudly on the floor.

The noise caused Drev to stir. He opened his eyes, looking up at her standing there in her nightdress. Tears streamed from her eyes and she did nothing to stop them as she faced the fact that she was a coward.

"Kira?" Drev mumbled. Hearing her tears, he sat up, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

He got to his feet, and without saying a word, wrapped both arms around her.

What am I doing? Why am I letting him touch me? He's the enemy!

But Kira couldn't help finding solace in his arms, in his warmth. She let him hold her until the tears finally stopped and the room was quiet again.

Drev pulled back, but his eyes were not on her face. They were on something lying in the corner.

Kira went still as it occurred to her that Drev must be putting two and two together. Oh, she was really in for it now. Drev may have been kinder to her than the husbands of her friends, but there was no reason for her to expect mercy over something like this.

Kira started to back away, but Drev caught her wrist.

"Just a minute, Kira."

"You have to let me go, Drev," she whispered, eyes wide.

"Sorry, I can't do that." He paused, his grip tightening on her. "And besides... something tells me you don't want to let me go."

"What?" she hissed, feeling her cheeks heat up. "I had a life before you."

"I know. But the past is just that - past. So, let me be your life now."

Kira stared at him, not sure what to say in response. Drev had said that so seriously, his gaze unflinching. Somehow, she knew he meant those words.

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