10 - Home Sweet Home

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That same night, Kira sat on Marko's bed while her mother sat behind her, helping to brush her hair.

Kira felt like her mind was still trying to catch up with everything that had happened in the past few hours, from escaping the mounts to discovering that her mother was still alive and of course, finding out Drev's secret and then seeing him leave for good.

"I can't imagine what you've been through," her mother murmured. "I'm so sorry, Kira. I should have protected you better."

"It's alright, Mother. I just want to know what happened after that night?"

Her mother let out a grim sigh. "Well, we were all devastated. Every family lost someone that night, either to those devils or death. The memories were almost too much for us to bear. But Garven, the Litur Cas chief, was very kind to us. He came and offered for us to join his village, so we would be better protected against such attacks in future."


Her mother took a pause. "This is his home."

"You mean..."

"Garven was a good man but he was particularly good to me. I-I know how this sounds, because we just lost your father. But he wanted to take care of me, and I just wanted to feel safe..."

"And Marko is...?"

"His son. His only son and a good man."

"Where is this chief then?"

"He passed away a few weeks ago," her mother murmured, and Kira could hear the sadness in her voice. "Had he not... well, who knows? Perhaps he would have proposed to me after a few more months? I don't know."

"And you would have said yes?"

"Once I was ready. Now, Kira, what happened that night was horrible, but sometimes, good can come out of horrible things. We have to help each other find a way to move on."

"I'm not sure I even know how, Mother."

"You can do it. We're together now. We'll be alright."

But Kira couldn't help thinking about Drev. She looked around the room - Marko's room that he had willingly given up to her while he slept on the floor outside. It was interestingly similar to the situation between her and Drev after he'd first brought her home. "You told him about me?" Kira asked, sure her mother would understand what she meant.

"Of course. Your father was gone but I always held out hope that you were alive, that I would see you again someday." Her mother leaned over, catching her eye. "We can be safe here, Kira. It's different, I know, and it won't always be easy, but this is a good place to be." Her mother hugged her. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Me too."

"Now, are you hungry or thirsty? I could fix you something before bed?"

"No, thank you. I think I should go to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"Of course. I'm in the other room but I can stay with you tonight if you want?"

"No. I'm fine."

Her mother studied her for a moment before nodding. "Alright, then. We can talk more tomorrow. For now, I'll let you get your rest."

Kira burrowed under the blankets while her mother blew out the candles. The door was shut gently, leaving the room in silence. Kira lay flat on her back, getting warm and comfy. She looked up at the ceiling, listening to the little creaks and groans echoing throughout the house.

It feels strange being alone in this huge bed.

She sighed, shutting her eyes to try and go to sleep. But if anything, that made it even harder to drift off. Her mind wouldn't stop replaying images of Drev, Marko and her mother...

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