An Odd Encounter - 🌿🪶

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I = Thoughts
B = Writing


1672AD - Oct 2:
It is a cool fall day in the region of now modern day Ohio. The French in the region had already started construction of a few trade outposts along the Ohio River. One common activity for the people in the region was hunting, whether it be for meat or furs. The latter of which angered a certain 'keeper of nature'.

Ceres Fauna, having had enough of the constant needless hunting of animals in the area, has decided to do something about it. She decided that the best way to stop the hunting was to force the humans out of the Ohio Valley. She had waited to see another human hunter pass through a clearing, and follow them to their settlement.

However, on the way to there, something strange occurred.

1672AD - Oct 3
When about a mile away from modern day Marietta Ohio, she had stopped in a clearing and was currently resting on a rock. She was thinking of what to do after the humans left, when she had noticed something in the corner of her eye. When she turned to look, there was nothing.

Fauna: Strange, I could of sworn I saw something.

She eventually got up and started back on her travel, but after she took a few steps something flew and landed in front of her. It was an owl, or at least looked like one to her. It was relatively large for an owl of the area, and it seemed angry.

Fauna: "Aw... what's wrong little guy? Huh?

Fauna found a note clenched in the owls left claw. She reached for the note and the owl let go of it to let her grab it.

Fauna: What does this say?

The note read: "Va-t'en", which Fauna understood was French for "Go away". When she looked up to respond to the owls note, it had already vanished.

Fauna: "Wait, where did you go?"

No response came. With that she decided to go against the note and kept marching, thinking that the owl had become tamed by the Humans. But she couldn't shrug off the idea that something wasn't right with that owl.

1672AD - Oct 4
Fauna was nearing the settlement, ready to kick the humans out. However, she had once again been stopped, this time by rustling she heard from the tree above her. She looked up to see the same owl from yesterday staring back at her.

Fauna: How did-

Something had fallen from the owls left claw while Fauna was mid-thought. She leaned down to pick it up and read it.

The note this time said: "Retournent", which she interpreted as "turn around". She turned to look behind her, and saw nothing. Seeing nothing, she turned back to the direction she was traveling, not taking note of the Owl, which she had assumed had left. She only took 5 steps before she heard a *Click* behind her.

???: I won't give another warning. Turn around.

Fauna turns around to see a woman pointing a rifle at her. The woman is dressed in a brown cloak and a white shirt with wings coming from her back. She is covered from the neck down with red, seemingly glowing, tattoos.

(Remove the red markings from the upper face and you have a good visual(p

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(Remove the red markings from the upper face and you have a good visual(p.s. art is made by gaybutfleeting on Twitter, look them up they make good art.))

Mumei?: I will warn you again. Go away.

The woman pulls the rifle back to affix a bayonet to the front.

Mumei?: I won't ask nicely again.

Fauna takes a moment to think about this situation, and comes up with an idea. Fauna turns around and passes the woman, who doesn't look back to see her pass. Assuming that she had let her guard down, Fauna turns around quickly and pounces at the woman so fast there's no way she could react.


The bullet flies right through fauna as she charges the woman who was now facing her, with the bayonet piercing her abdomen. The woman rips the bayonet out, letting Fauna fall to the ground, still breathing but unable to move or speak.

Mumei?: Once you're out of shock, do yourself a favor and turn back.

Fauna looks at the woman with disgust.

Mumei?: *Sigh* If you want to stop humans who needlessly hunt, catch them in the wilderness. Don't come to attack all of them. Are we good?

Fauna just stares at the woman with a look of defeat, still unable to speak.

Mumei?: Good.

The woman turns to walk away, but looks back.

Mumei?: Never let us encounter each other again.

The woman leaves, leaving Fauna lying on the ground. After the pain was handlable, Fauna eventually got up and left that clearing.

The humans had heard the gunshot, but had only assumed that someone had killed something, and thought nothing of it.

1967AD - Jul 5
It had been almost 300 years since Fauna had encountered that strange woman, and has taken residence in southern Alberta, Canada. She had largely forgotten her encounter, but was still never attacking human cities. Eventually she was approached by a red rat who called herself "Baelz" who was trying to reunite the concepts of the gods into what would now become the council. Fauna was the second one she approached after the "Speaker of Space" Tsukumo Sana.

After searching for the "Warden of Time" Ouro Kronii, the council was largely complete, except something felt missing, a fifth concept existed, but they were not created by gods. Kronii had managed to track them down and bring them to the council.

Kronii: "I am back everyone, and I brought with me someone special, come on, introduce yourself."

Mumei: "He-Hello everyone, the name's uhh... Nanashi Mumei, but please just call me Mumei."

The rest of the council was ecstatic to meet the "Guardian of Civilization", except for Fauna. She had just felt that something was off, as well as feeling as if she knew her before. Until Mumei walked up to her.

Mumei: Hello there, you uh.. you don't seem talkative?

Fauna just stood there, staring at Mumei trying to think of where she would of seen her before.

Mumei: "Well, the names Mumei, what's yours?"

Fauna: *pause* "Fauna, Ceres Fauna."

Mumei then had a look of recollection on her face, which quickly disappeared.

Mumei: "Well Ceres Fauna, I hope we'll get along here.

Fauna: "Please, just call me Fauna."

Fauna had grown quickly attached to Mumei, and they had grown together on the council since. Eventually with the rest of the council, they became part of Hololive. Fauna to this day still doesn't bother the cities, but has to date largely forgotten her odd encounter.

Author Subsection:
Word Count: 1119

This was a bit long (and from my perspective not that great), but at least it's a start. I'm hoping that my writing will improve the more stories I write. But now this chapter is long enough, hopefully I'll update this by next week.

Zed signing off._

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