sUCh aN OrIGinaL BOoK idEa

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Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop

For some reason, different students and staff of U.A. were teleported into a cinema-like environment. They tried to communicate, but they couldn't hear each other over a very loud speaker playing "High Voltage"

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Yelled a very confused Sero

Suddenly, the music stopped, and a voice took over the speaker

"How the hell did you gu-" Mic feedback


"How-" Mic feedback

"How di-" Mic feedback

"Someone fix this damn-" Mic feedback



A man with a hat and a mask appeared

"Guess we'll have to do this the old fashioned way."

"Who are you and where are we!" An angry Aizawa said

"You're in my cinema."

"Tell us who are-"

"How did you get here."


"How did you get here."

"You brought us-"


"Stop ly-"

"I'm not."

"Stop interrupt-"



"I'll be right back."

The man teleported, presumably back to where he was before. You could here a faint "Dammit."

"Welp, I looked it over, I brought you here. On accident."

"Then bring us back."

"I can't."


'Plot convenience.'

"Did you say something Aoyama?" Asked a confused Izuku


"I can't because the teleporter needs to recharge, so for now, I guess I can do this." He pointed to the chairs "Sit. We're gonna watch a movie."

"What are we gonna watch?"

"You'll see."

Everyone reluctantly sat down, and try and teleported back to presumably, the control room

"Alright, you guys ready?"

No response...

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes, let's go."


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