3. girl next door

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a few weeks had past after finding out about my parents divorce and there was a lot already changing.

we were no longer visiting my grandparents on thursday nights, since my mom and them got into a massive fight about the divorce. they didn't agree with it and told her they must work through their problems like a 'normal' couple, by going to marriage counselling. my mom refused she said, she will do what she wants and that she's a grown woman, it's her decision. so ultimately they banned us from going to see them.

i was well into reading great gatsby and just like jean had told me, it was amazing. the drama, scandals, glamour, and captivating plot made this so incredible. it was honestly the only thing getting me through everything.

i hadn't seen jess, since that last time on the bus and i didn't want to admit it, but i was a little sad about it. i told myself i was just being childish, for god's sake i didn't even know the guy. it was stupid.

my parents wanted to have dinner with me tonight, since they had still not spoken to me together about everything. to be honest i think they were putting it off.

i got dressed into a satin maroon dress, paired with an ebony cardigan. i also had black knee-high socks on and i finished it off with my staple, black mary janes.

i brushed my chestnut hair and applied some lipgloss, before walking downstairs to meet them.


we arrived at the restaurant. it was typical what they were doing treating me to a nice meal at a nice restaurant only meant one thing, they knew that what they were gonna tell me could potentially hurt me.

we were halfway through our food, as my dad cleared his throat. "so you might be wondering why we have brought you here?" he questioned.

i looked up at him and leaned forward, "guessing you and mom have something else to tell me?" i asked crossing my arms with a stern face.

"well, yeah." he sighed, i could tell my dad did not want to do this. "we have decided-" he spoke, but looked over at my mom initiating for her to finish. he didn't want to be the one to break it to me.

"i've decided i want to move back to the town where we moved to when your aunt fell pregnant." she explained, as i adjusted my posture and lowered my eyebrows.


my mom and her sister used to be so close. my mom was the oldest and they both didn't have the best relationship with my grandparents, they were each other's second parents. so, when my aunt fell pregnant at sixteen, my mom instantly moved with her and helped her all through it, whilst she was my pregnant with me.

unfortunately, they lost contact after we moved to the city for my dad's work and we never saw them since.


"because, i miss it there." she sighed. "everybody knew everybody and it just had that little small town charm." she smiled reminiscing.

"well clearly not that much, since you haven't been back for over ten years." i scoffed, as she sighed and looked over at my dad.

"sabrina." he stated in a deep tone of voice as a 'warning'.

i couldn't remember much of the town. i had blurred memories of playing out on the street with my cousin, but i couldn't even remember what she looked like now.

"anyways, we both feel as if you should move there too." my dad explained to me.

what the fuck? i didn't want to move to some dumb town, especially if it meant my dad wouldn't be there.

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