26. lover

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i had my dungarees on and i was helping jess move a cabinet up the stairs of the apartment block. he was moving in with me. "no, move it this way it'll be easier." i groaned as we tried to move the heavy cabinet up.

"no, trust me. this will work." jess argued wanting his way to work.

"whatever." i mumbled, as we did it his way knowing he was gonna end up wanting to do my way.

after his way failed, just like i knew it would, we did mine and it worked, just like i knew it would.

once we had finally got it in, we threw ourselves onto the couch. "i told you i was right." i smiled looking over at him. he playfully rolled his eyes, before grabbing me onto him to kiss me.

"we gotta do our voicemail!" i gasped with excitement as i ran over to the answering machine.

"what?" jess laughed with his eyebrows raised.

"you know, like they do in the movies." i smiled. "they would say, 'hey this is sabrina and jess, leave a message' we gotta do it."

"okay then." he chuckled, as we stood and tried to perfect our voicemail.


the evening had progressed and i was staring to feel starving. i looked inside the refrigerator and of course there was nothing inside. "ugh." i sighed walking back towards jess. "i'm gonna order chinese food, want anything?" i told him grabbing the phone

"is that even a question?" he asked with wide eyes, before telling me what he wanted.

i nodded along repeating it to the lady on the phone, "yes, that'll be all." i smiled, before hanging up.

i sat down on the couch beside jess and he turned to face me, "since we're getting chinese food, we should watch a movie." he suggested, as i nodded.

"i like that idea, which one?"

"almost famous?" he suggested with his iconic crooked smile. of course he said that.

i looked at him with risen eyebrows, "fine." i sighed with a small chuckle, before jumping up and rushing to the bedroom to grab something. "here." i said throwing him the dvd.

"is this the same one from when we were younger?" he asked me, as i nodded with a smile on my face.

everything just felt so right. it was how it was supposed to be. i was happy with jess sat eating chinese food and watching 'almost famous'. it was exactly how i dreamed my life would be when i was seventeen. it had all finally become a reality.

whilst we were sat eating the phone rang, we both looked at each other. "i'll get it." jess said, as he placed his food down, but i quickly put my hand out to stop him.

"let them hear the voicemail." i smiled, as we waited for it to finish ringing.

i told myself that mine and jess' chapter was over. i tried to make myself come to terms with that for so long and i thought i did. until, i saw him again that night.

i rested my head on jess' shoulder, as it fit perfectly right in the crook and looked up at him. he placed three soft kisses onto my forehead, "what a plot twist you were." he whispered softly to me.

i said nothing, but instead looked straight into his deep chocolate eyes; the same eyes i got lost in all of those years ago and just smiled. i was the most happy and content i had been in all my life. i was right where i was supposed to be. sure, i didn't have a stable job, i was behind on my bills, i never had any food in my apartment, but none of that mattered because i was exactly where i was supposed to be.

and it was in the exact moment when i realised it was never the end of our chapter like i had always told myself. in fact, all i had to do was turn the next page and i would see that it wasn't the end of our story. it was only the beginning.

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