17- Dax's misson

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"You we're gonna leave?" I asked him after Clarke said he was gonna runaway.
"Octavia needs you. I need you." I told him.
"Octavia hates me and you'll be fine." He said. I walk back towards the stairs to the bunker. "Nova!" Bellamy yells. I ignore him and walk outside. He was really just gonna leave me. And Octavia none the less. I needed him. What did he do that is so bad that he has to run away? I walk over to the opposite side of the pond and sit against a tree. Bellamy and Clarke were still in the bunker so I had enough time to fix my stitches. I laid my rifle down and I got my tape out of my pocket and lifted up my shirt. I ripped off an inch of tape with my mouth and placed the tape against my skin with the end of the stitch stuck in between the two. There's rustling in the brush behind me. "Bellamy. Not now." I yelled, but no response. The rustling continued. I got up as quick as I could, which wasn't very fast because of the pain I was in, and grabbed the rifle in case it was a grounder. I looked behind me but there was nothing there. "Bellamy this isn't funny." I yelled. All of the sudden a hand went over my mouth. It pulled me against a tree and out there hands around my neck. When I got a better look it was Dax. From the camp. He had a rifle too. Where did he get it? He must've been in the depot. Oh no. Bellamy and Clarke. Why was he here and why was he attacking me? I started to have trouble breathing then I remembered all the things I learned from watching the guards.
I kneed him in the stomach, he dropped to the ground and let go of my neck. He scrambled back to his feet and I grabbed my knife from my waistband my rifle was too far to get to. "Dax what are you doing?" I asked him. "A favor for a friend." He said and lunged at me. I threw my knife and it stuck in his leg. I pushed the knife further into his leg and swept his legs out from under him. He punched my knee that had the brace and I cried out in pain. I fell to the floor and Dax took his hand and banged by head against the ground.

I opened my eyes and from a distance, I saw Dax standing over Bellamy with a rifle pointed at him.
I scrambled to my feet and grabbed my rifle. I snuck up behind Dax, "drop it Dax." I told him. He looked up and pointed his rifle at me. In my condition I don't think I could take a bullet wound and live. Bellamy looked at me and nodded. Dax didn't drop the gun so I pulled the trigger. It was a dud. I ducked as Dax started shooting and hid behind a tree. Bellamy hurls himself into Dax and they both start punching each other. Where's Clarke? I clocked the gun and walked around the tree to shoot but I couldn't get a clear shot. I ran over to push Dax off of Bellamy but Dax took his rifle that he was choking Bellamy with and thrust the end of the rifle into my stomach. I fell back with a pain in my stomach. Bellamy took one of Dax's dud bullets and pushed it into his neck. He let go of Bellamy and held his neck. A few seconds later Dax's body stopped moving. He was dead. Bellamy crawled over towards me. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah you?"
"Yeah. Where's Clarke?"
"I don't know. Must still be in the bunker." We sat there in silence for a few seconds to catch our breath.

"Nova about earlier-"
"Bellamy just stop. I need you more than you know. And so does Octavia. The whole camp needs you. I don't know what happened with Jaha but Clarke can probably pull some strings."
"I shot the man. I don't think he'll forgive me."
He shot the chancellor?
"You. Bellamy. Shot Jaha?"
"A guard offered me a way onto the dropship if I killed the Chancellor. The same guard who sent Dax to kill me."
"If you turn the guard in then you'll be off the hook." I told him.
"He won't forgive me. I'm a monster. I just killed Dax who was innocent."
"If your looking for forgiveness. Your forgiven. Dax wasn't innocent he almost killed you and me. Your not a monster. Your Octavias brother. Your my friend. Your our protector."
His frown turned into a small smile. "I thought you couldn't stand me."
"I might have changed my mind." I said and smiled.
"Come on let's go find Clarke." I told him. I tried to get up on my feet. But I couldn't. "You know what I'm just gonna wait here and you go find Clarke. I'll be lookout."
"You can't get up, can you?" He asked as he got up.
I looked away.
"Here." He put his hand under my arms and pulled me up. I hobbled over to the rifle and picked it up and we walked back towards the bunker.

When we reached the floor, Clarke was lying on the floor. I bent over and felt her hand for a pulse. She was alive. We woke her up and she started talking about how Dax was here somewhere and attacked her. "Clarke he's dead." I said. The fright in her eyes calmed down and turned into a small frown. She got off the floor and I walked past her to get the blankets and guns.
"Nova your bleeding." Bellamy said. I stopped and looked at my stitches. More of them must've come undone during the fighting. Clarke walked over and lifted my shirt to reveal the few stitches that were left. "Bellamy get the rest of the stuff and I'll stitch this back up." Bellamy walked off and Clarke helped me sit down. She stitched my side back up and the pain was excruciating. I yelled and tried to stay as still as possible. She was finally done and Bellamy walked back around the corner. he offered his hand to me to help me up. I got up and he gave me a rifle. We walked out of the bunker and headed back towards camp.

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