The Forest [Part 2]

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Technoblade P.O.V

Why wont he let me take off his mask? So aggravating. He then shoved his free hand in my face trying to get free. "Show him you aren't kidding." One of the voices said. Okay, this is the last straw Dream. I grasped his hand and slammed it down as hard as I could, so I could show him how angry I was. "Why are you so afraid of reality?" I asked, it was more demanding then it was a question. "Get-... Get off." He said, almost in a whispering tone. I got right in his face so he would see my anger a little closer. "No." I said firmly.

"His wrists are... Kinda small." One voice stated "Shut up." Another voice argued "No." The other argued back, "Both of you be quiet." A side voice said. Finally silence, I broke out my thought and shoved both of his wrists together. It was kinda hard though since he's strong. Once I accomplished putting his hands together I let one of my hands free and let my other hand grip both his wrists, and slammed them on the ground. "Now, let's see your little face." I said frustrated. "I wonder if he's ugly." A voice wondered, "He probably is if he hides his face." The voices start laughing. 'All of you be quiet.' I state. Maybe he is ugly, it's worth seeing. He moves his face away from my hand, continuing it, but is unsuccessful. Once he sees that there's no point trying he stopped. I moved his head toward me and took off the mask.

"I-" A voice started, stopping. "He's... So pretty..." Another voice finished for them. "This was uh-... Unexpected." A new voice said. His eyes were an emerald green, they had this shine that seemed... Unnatural. And freckles that scattered everywhere around his cheeks, with plump lips that were a nice pink. So mesmerizing... My whole body stopped to stare at him. Without knowing, I leaned in. "I know this sounds weird, but I kinda want him." A voice spoke out, "Let's take him then." Another voice stated. "Claim him." "Do it." "Take him, don't let anyone have him." I threw the mask on the ground, and took both his wrists in each hand. "Techno?" He spoke out. I snapped out of my trance. "Uh... You're starring." He slightly laughed. What's wrong with me? I don't feel like myself. Suddenly my mouth opened mindlessly. "Technooo..." He called out. Forget this. I launched my mouth at his neck, biting him. "AH!" He yelped, moving alarmed. "Techno?!"  He yelled. I only bit harder, give me more. 

Suddenly I was forcefully kicked off. I got on my feet, whipping my mouth. I looked up at him, he was holding onto his neck where the bite was. "Is this your voices again?..." He said looking at me with slight worry, "Or instincts?" He questioned. I stood straight up, feeling more urge rise. "No Dream." I stated. "It's instincts, voices... And me." I finished. "But- why now?" He questioned again. "Because Dream. Your too pretty for your own good." I said, with no shame. It was then silent. "W-What?" He started laughing. "He thinks your joking." A voice said, "Show him you aren't." Another said. I started walking towards him, reaching my hand out. Once I was in front of him I grasped his neck, and pushed him against a tree. "You think I'm joking?" I asked, more of a statement though. "No-" He said, muffled though. He coughed softly. "I think it's cute." He said. The sentence repeated in my head. "HE THINKS WE'RE CUTE!"  "AHHHHH" The voices yelled. I removed my hand, processing what he said. My face got hot. "OoOOo~" He cooed. "Is the Blood God blushing?" He laughed, I looked at his face while he was laughing. So adorable. I moved my hand to his face, and cupped it. He slowly but swiftly stopped laughing. "Uh-" Suddenly, I felt a heat in his face. "Now the Teletubby is blushing." I smiled. "Nooo~" He laughed awkwardly. "Kiss him" A voice said, "Good idea!" "Yes, kiss him!" 'Shut up.' I said to the voices. "Can I have my mask?..." He asked. I huffed, why would anybody hide such a beautiful face? I went to pick up his mask anyways. I picked up the mask and headed to hand it to him. Here ya go. I said in my normal low voice. He smiled at me, before setting the mask over his face. So pretty. 

"Oh" I started, how did he find out about this place? I thought the Kingdom only new about here. "How did you find out about this place?" After putting on his mask, he looked up at me with the same smiley face I've always known. "Well, I found out about this place from just traveling around." This guy, it's impossible just to travel around and find it. "Liar." I said. He laughed, "Okay, okay." He started, "I overheard Wilbur and Tommy talking about it, they said it was a beautiful location with 3 waterfalls, and mountains surrounding every part. So I looked around for it, and found it." He finished. "How did you find out about the creatures that guard it?" I asked again, "I didn't actually, the first time I came here they kinda just ran at me. So I uh... Killed them." He answered. "Nice." I said lamely. "Here's the real question, how did the kingdom find it?" He asked, "Funny story." I began. "A villager followed a demon up the mountain, and the demon led the villager to the sight. The villager came down the mountain to tell the kingdom to earn some gold for finding it. But no normal person would be able to make it up the mountain because the air is dense, and there are demons, hybrids, and a lot of other creatures. So me and you are lucky." I explained. "Oh wow." He said. There was then silence. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "For you? Yes." A voice answered in my head, "Shut up bozo." Another voice said. "My feelings are hurt."  "I guess. What'cha got?" He laughed softly, "Not much, for a prince." He teased. "Oh c'mon." I said in a offended tone. "I'll give you a sandwich, for in exchange..." He paused to think, oh god. "I want a 'Royal Hug.'" He debated. "Don't call it that. Nerd." I argued with him, "Why not? What about 'Techno Hug?'" He argued back. "Not that either! Just hug." I stated. "Okay, fine." He complied. "Now give me a hug!" He moved his hands outwards. I sighed. "Yes. It's a Dream. I'm so funny." The voices start again,  "Please, shut up." I put my arms out  signaling for him to hug me. He ran at me, running right into my arms. He wrapped his arms around me, me doing the same. "Techno Hug!" He yelled, though it was muffled into my shoulder. "Nerd." I stated. Quietly laughing.

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