Tommy's POV (LW) (A)

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"Awh fuck my eyes and my head!" I moaned as the late morning sun was shining down. I took a look around this weird world shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand. I had appeared outside this weird building that had a sign which read "community house" sounds posh for a place that is just made of bricks and a floor of crafting tables? I looked over to the nearest window to take a peek inside and jumped out of my skin when I saw a green masked guy looking back at me.
"Fucking hell man. Who the hell are you?" I shrieked my heart pounding through my
"I am Dream. I said I would be here to introduce you to my world, Dream SMP, and keep your voice down other people live here too." The weird masked man replied.
"Oh right. How many people are here? I mean in this world? Why is it called the DREAM smp?" I asked the words spewing out my mouth like a tangled jungle of questions. Dream stepped back from me with a sigh.
"Currently there are 8 people in my world including you Tommy. It is called Dream SMP because I created this land and most of the builds you see before your young eyes. Any more questions?" He answered slowly with a sigh, almost seeming bored.
"No. Can I look around? Shit thats another question..." I muttered back to him going bright red. This is so embarrassing.
"Yes. You can set up a house somewhere but make sure its not in others personal space." Dream answered beginning to look amused. This pissed me off because it felt as if he was almost making fun of me.
I walked of making a line for the first building I could see. "This masked man has already annoyed. Maybe it will be fun to go cause some trouble with others." I thought to myself.
I walked down this path which lead me past a few houses. However it seemed like no one was home at all.
So i let myself in their houses, some where big with large rooms filled with chests and loot but somewhere small with no chests at all. I guess some people hadn't been here much longer then I had. I was only going to look around their homes but then it came to mind I had nothing, no food or resources or anything.
Can I be bothered to go out and get these? No. Do these people have more then enough? Yes.
So I borrowed some things from anyone who wasn't home.
It was going so well until Dream caught me trying to steal some potatoes for food from some guy named Ponk's weird house tree thing. Dream told me that stealing wasn't okay and I cant steal from other people in what he called "his perfect world".
He made me apologise and return my borrowed items saying I was only stealing not borrowing before letting me go with a simple warning. I mean he could have done at least more then that.
This was bullshit. I was angry now and walking around with nothing but a simple sword. I accidentally swung it as some weird guy walked passed and I guess it must have hit him. I turned to say sorry but he was shouting and screaming his head of at me because I had ripped his favourite shirt or something? "So much for looking out for other people living here" I thought to myself quoting Dream.
He yelled at me for a few more minutes but then I had enough and just killed him. I dont know why I did that but it was fun. This cant be against the rules can it? For the next hour I chased this weird man down and killed him again and again him begging me to stop and trying to hide. I was having so much fun until Dream appeared. He was not happy, apparently this was George (Dreams best friend) . Dream dragged me to his court house place which was huge and scary. In there  I was made to stand against George, say sorry but I also got declared to time in prison?? I was so confused it had all happened so fast. I was only having some fun and of course this weird masked guy had to ruin it. I dont like this guy one bit.

After an hour or so of being inside this weird and cold prison I decided enough was enough and figured I could just walk out as there is no such thing as a guard around here apparently . You would think that if Dream was that serious about rules then they would have more security but it was it is.
I walked through the streets of this "Dream" SMP a free man and began destroying and taking apart a few random buildings here and there leaving a trail of funny looking and lopsided buildings behind me. I think this made the masked man (Dream) very angry because he took me on a journey really far away from every one else and his village place. He took me to this snowy and isolated area. The snow was bright and untouched due to the lack of exploration and the air had a frosty bite to it. I was told I had to stay here until I could be trusted to behave myself. This is bullshit and I hate Dream.
However, I could also just run back again and again. It was so funny, I would die which teleported me back and Dream would be forced to drag me back again. Apart from the dizziness and nausea when I was teleported back, it was good fun.
After a while I got bored of this though and wondered around the miles of snowy biome.

When Dream actually let me back I thought it would be best to follow the rules. I didn't want to be banished forever. The only thing I could do to annoy everyone without being taken away again was build a lot of signs and go round making everything mine. Dream couldn't stop me from doing that could he?

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