What Wasn't the First Choice

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Rosé POV

I was on the second glass of wine, enjoying dinner with Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa and Areum. Today was Alex's—Jennie's husband's—birthday and Jennie wanted us over to keep Areum company. Of course, how could anyone not take an offer to be with the cutest little girl in the world?

"Areum, is it true your favourite aunt is Rosie?" Lisa asked with a pout. Areum stared at me with her mouth wide open and eyes showing much betrayal.

I smiled and shrugged, "I'm sorry, cutie. I had to make auntie Lisa jealous!"

"But auntie Rosie, you promised!" she whined and pouted dramatically as she crossed her arms. Jennie snickered and Jisoo gave me happy eyebrow raise, signalling just how much Areum was like Jennie. It was so cute, though, to see Areum growing into a mini Jennie, but it also meant bickering with Areum will be just like bickering with Jennie—You'll never win.

"Aw, so it's true?" Lisa said with disappointment.

"I still love you, auntie Lisa," Areum replied and went over to hug Lisa. "You're my new favourite auntie."

"Ha ha," Lisa mocked and pointed a finger at me.

I gasped and frowned sadly, "Areum..."

"Areum, get back to your seat and finish your food please. Uncle Tony made it especially for you so you have to finish it first," said Jennie, watching her intently. Ah, right. Tony was here too.

"Yes, mummy." Areum climbed back into her seat between Jennie and Jisoo, and Jennie pet her head dearly while Jisoo fixed her chair.

"More wine?" Tony asked and everyone mumbled a reply. He chuckled and poured some in every glass.

Like Jennie said, he cooked for us tonight in memory of Jennie's husband's cooking. It wasn't the exact same but it was very similar. It made Areum happy, and that's all that mattered.

By now, Tony's style was completely flipped. He was wearing more causal clothes, as demonstrated by his double denim outfit with a white t-shirt. The only thing that didn't seem to change was his amazing cooking skills. I wonder what's change him though...

"It's kind of crazy how well you can cook, Tony. I mean, how is it even possible that you have the skills to replicate someone else's recipes without ever tasting it?" Lisa asked, taking a big bite of her food afterwards.

"Well, it comes with experience and, ah, actually..." He looked at Jennie and continued, "I used to take cooking classes with Alex in Italy. He happened to share a few recipes with me while we were in Naples, the spaghetti and tonight's dinner included, so I roughly knew how to recreate them."

Jennie had a small smile, "I almost forgot he took cooking classes."

If Tony knew Alex from cooking classes, how did Tony and Asa know each other? Was it through Alex? Did Asa take cooking classes too? Well, it didn't seem likely because the first time I went to Asa's place his fridge was empty, and the second time, it had containers of premade food. I just assumed he had someone cook for him and I remember he said he didn't know how to cook. Meh, why bother with these questions? Not like I was gonna ask Tony about Asa ever again.

After dinner, Tony washed the dishes with Lisa while Jennie and Areum cleaned up. Jisoo and I went to chat in the guest room that Jisoo stayed in, which was basically her room now since she lived here.

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